Sunday, April 23, 2006

Games Of Strategyexercise Solutions

On Sunday April 23, 2006, the Foundation Read everyone is celebrating the World Book and Copyright . This activity will be held in the central atrium of the mall Plaza Las Americas from 12:00 pm. Go and enjoy this special activity.
Todos a Leer
Palmira Romero created, along with other agencies and characters Todos a Leer Foundation , a nonprofit organization that aims to: encourage reading and recognizing the Puerto Rican writer. His goal is for writers occupy the front pages of newspapers, competing with the shocking news, as a way to encourage young people. Since 1996, in Puerto Rico holds the Meeting of Children, Youth and Adults by Book World.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

How Read Janam Kundali

Todos a Leer Foundation World Book and Copyright Registration Shifts

The April 23, 2003 are held throughout the world Book Day.
The origin of this festival is that this day commemorates the death of three writers: the English Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra, the English writer William Shakespeare and Garcilaso de la Vega (the Inca), all occurred in 1616 .


http://www.proverbia. net/boletines/025-iv-centenario-del-quijote-dia-mundial-del-libro.asp

Peeing Alot And Tired

now available shift register of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. Login to 2006-2007 Shift Register

Friday, April 21, 2006

Can You Get Foot And Mouth Disease Twice

The student Tatiana Alvarez Ares of eleven she won the contest Miss Queen of the Universe 2005 . The January 25, 2005 activity was to recognize his great achievement and for being a great example for our students.
Congratulations Tatiana!

Message Of A Christening

Activity Recognition Welcome!

Greetings from our virtual space. We have created this blog with the purpose of sharing the activities and achievements of our school community. You'll also find pages on educational issues and new technology that will be useful to students, teachers and parents.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Pirates Of Carabien Guitar Tab

Change your world @ your library

April 17 Joseph D. Day Diego
April 18
Library Opening Week
Hall Time: 10:00 am

New Books Exhibition Place : Library
April 19 Talk: Seeing with new eyes
Action: Ms. Wanda I. Columbus Cortes
Location: Library
Time: 9:30 am April 20
Breakfast with Ethics
Tertulia on Ethics, Governance and Democracy

Location: Convention Center
Time: 7:30 am
Sponsor: Center for Development of Ethical Thought
April 21: Library Day
Workshop: Creating Journals (Blogs)
Location: Republic of Mexico
School Time: 8:00 am April 22
Location: Food Court San Patricio Plaza
Time: 2:00 pm onwards
Host Program Library and Information Services