Saturday, September 26, 2009

5 Month Old Has A Chest Cough

CORRUPTION Prevarication and neo-fascism Populism PSPV

A Valencian PP Messrs they just smile. Dan a leap of faith and want to kill the messenger. But also seek to go through what are not. Mr. Camps, before the avalanche comes up, a mixture of state terrorism with demagogy [" If the PSOE, replete with Marxists, I could, I gasearía "]. Today I want to tell this demagogue the following: claims of Marxism, and critical and rejecting any form of totalitarianism, including the gulag. But also, I'd rather have a Marxist rather than employers who supported the coup militants 23F or night, pistol in his belt, was offered the captaincy General de Castellón. But speaking of Marxist forget perhaps the former director of RTVV (Joseph V. Villaescusa, who as head of the OIC called for armed struggle), or is that converts are forgiving. And I quote only one could cite several other cases. But I want to see what was the last of some of their leaders.
What this comes because we do not accept to give us lessons in democracy those who never were and now they are out of necessity.
undemocratic. A liberal Democrat accepts the division of powers, but hurt them. Today they demagoguery, forgetting (as the police unions argue) that the reports are made instance of a judge to send investigate. They do not accept that they are not carrying the current and jump to the parliamentary law tolerated. There is the attack on the freedom of parties (essential in bourgeois democracy), refusing the appointment of Leire Pajin as Senator, and set themselves up as watchdogs over to propose to another senator than (Alart). Do not believe the party democracy, have a certain nostalgia that smells a. .. rotten. ARE
dealt treacherously. Mr. Camps and Mr. Costa lash out at judges who meet - and Garzón-and take them to court because of wanting to do justice to the dead. They have friends to help judges to adjudicate cases of corruption. Certainly not Only because in Alicante also happen with a leader of the PP. And this gentlemen is called transgression.
Given all this in a vacuum, using victimization, and Populism . Populism based on the prestige of democratic institutions, in the vilification of the voters, in the vilification of Parliament, the party desprestigo. You must use the fan to the "shit" splashed all. We must defend the "anything goes" to gain power and stay there. It is necessary that the people accept it as a political truth that "all politicians are alike, and therefore do not care who send."
Mr PP this only leads to a site: fascism. Something that the Democrats thought he was in the basusero history. Javier Méndez-Vigo


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