Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Make Fall Asleep Pressure Points

  • sign the attendance sheet as soon as you enter the library. Keep
  • silence.
  • chairs, tables and other equipment is put in place to complete assignments.
  • must come to the library to read, study or do assignments.
  • Books should remain without mutilation.
  • The area of \u200b\u200breference books and reserve do not circulate outside the library.
  • If you bring a book to your home, you must sign the card and return it along with the book to assign the day you deliver.
  • should not eat food or drink.
  • Deliver the materials you provide (pencils, glue, pens, markers, scissors, etc)
  • audiovisual equipment will be used in the library.
  • Remain seated.
  • must have full uniform. Prohibiting the use hats, scarves.
  • Prohibiting the use of cell phones, Ipod and any other equipment that may distract users' attention.
  • leave packages is strictly prohibited. Library staff will not be held responsible for items lost.
  • The use of computers is a privilege not a right, so the computers will be used exclusively to work on different subjects and not to chat or look outside the school material.


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