Catalonia elections course a blow to the Left because it involves: 1) defeat and 2) the disappearance the tripartite government. All this comes at a field of confrontation with the state, which has seen a shift to the right and defeat of self due to the ruling of the Constitutional Statute. From this finding was installed a kind of pessimism thinking that we have a turnaround.
At the same time there has been another development, the state level: union elections Education. We do not want in-depth analysis, but simply watch fundamental trend. And it is right to do so since the School is one of the devices [ideological] State. In general lines about the fact we find that " class unions" have been defeated : first UGT loses about 40 delegates, while the CCOO lost 100 delegates. But something new has occurred, which was the landing the right social and ANPE (right-wing corporatist union) has managed to win 40 delegates, while the CSIF (Union where she has landed the PP ) manages to increase to 100 delegates. If the school is the ideological state apparatus that serves to perpetuate social relations and for the right to get the "hegemony" ideology, the future of it is far us to secularism and other positions and close to ideologies past. In the autonomies ruled by the PP see the horizon for some time.
However, all elections are a "snapshot" of an instant. But the story is resolved in the dialectic of social struggles .......
Neoliberal Adjustment Policy
Capitalism in crisis trying to save banks in the wake of the housing bubble and subprime crisis by injecting billions of euros of public money. From here they can only go on the backs of workers: ie increasing the rate operating with a new capital accumulation.
senile capitalism has only one solution: "pass the bill to the middle class and working class. And they do it by moving policy IMF and WB leading Latin America in the 80's, which allowed the destruction of the economies (Argentina playard): the Debt problem. So here comes the cynicism of the international bourgeoisie and its reformist minions. The debt incurred by the banks to be saved, now becomes the State's public debt must be paid for by the public. Hence, it gets a political and economic straitjacket the States of the EU, mainly the PIGS (what a coincidence that the initials match with Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain). But the weak link was Greece.
EU therefore "impose" a very hard adjustment to Greece, passing through the wage reduction, dismissal of staff and the disappearance of social rights (conquered in heroic struggles by the proletariat). Then came the collapse of Ireland. He becomes guilty to the peoples of Europe, something that made the bourgeoisie from the very moment when they built the EU the monetarist corset did not allow construction of a European peoples (which some have predicted that it is impossible under the banner of capitalism).
But as the philosopher Alan Woods the reality is quite different: " This crisis was not caused by workers in Greece or any other country. It was created by the greedy and reckless actions of bankers and capitalists of Greece and the rest of Europe. And the current "bailout" is a rescue plan, not the Greek workers, bankers sio to Germany, France and other countries with most of the debts of Greek capitalism . " And later still saying: " the weaker members of the club of wealthy men, known as the" clu Med ", now have an amount of € 3 billion of debt and ability to pay is in doubt. The "markets" are nervous about this. That is, the bankers are nervous because they fear that they get their pound of flesh. This means, first, the German bankers. The risk of German banks with Club Med debt could be up to 500,000 million euros. Thus, despite all the tantrums and puffing in Berlin, which is discussed here is not aid to Greece, but aid to German bankers and their European accomplices [ ]
And the government of Spain? This has come to kneel in the EU and the IMF. The important thing is the market, but the market is not a neutral institution or has an "invisible hand." The market is a capitalist market and the dominant ideology is neoliberalism : it means privatization, deregulation and individual rights. Neoliberalism not create social rights and rejects ! And the left has to be clear about this last axiom.
The English government to avoid a " rescue has taken a series of neoliberal measures, cutting salaries of officials, the attack on the purchasing power of retirees and cutting rights . As with the above has been necessary to impose a "labor reform that attacks the core of collective bargaining. Symptomatic was the "soviet" in Madrid (the government of the liberal Esperanza Aguirre) re-draw the claws bear to destroy the social right of unionization, attacking to the limit to criminalize trade union released. Freed coming from "union laws" and released the majority are released by "union hours" (hence the company continues to work). And those who are truly liberated charge the salary of any employee ......
Class and class struggle
But every picture has its negative and its shadows. History shows that a grain of salt can be converted into a mountain and tomorrow that mountains can be destroyed. The social reality is not a snapshot, is in constant moviento, what happens is that the situation could explode at any time and for something unexpected. Dialectics teaches us that a mountain may fall into the time based off balance. France is a good example, the cry has been " demand the impossible", as in 68 . The labor movement came against Salorzy retirement plan, arguing for a social right Acquire postwar struggles. However, the qualitative Cambion came on the scene with the student movement, the movement's unity and a new cry of despair but also of struggle: not want to live worse than our parents!
This is the reality that future generations will live worse than we
only fight may change the situation. What lies ahead is a polarization of society, a rise of social struggle. The international example is quite clear, both in Greece, like France, Italy and now in Tunisia. How a isolated the people, the class breaks into politics ...
Even in our state have very concrete examples. In murcia all Unions lash out against a government that PP on State Adjusting imposes another set goes even deeper: a) reduction in salary of staff (as well as 100 € that will cut the state self-government will reduce more than € 175), 2) elimination of the Social Action Plan, 3) reduction in salary for sick leave from the first day of a 25%
If there is a change in trend conducted by the international bourgeoisie no longer required that workers have social rights. What you need are servants. But the other side of the coin is that the proletariat is not asleep and is always in motion. What happens is that the addresses of class unions do not accept the neoliberal dynamic. What we need in a program worker class.
Javier Méndez-Vigo
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