Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Daisy Scout Patch Placement


prisoner Amadeu Casellas is a Catalan anarchist who has spent more than 23 years in prison on charges of robbing banks in early eighties in order to fund workers' struggles, "without committing any violent crime. Today (October 14, 2009) being held incommunicado at the prison hospital unit of the Hospital de Terrassa, is making a hunger strike which has already been 93 days, and added a thirst strike for 10 days. Amadeu accumulated eight years of remission of sentence on work-penalty, which has been completed in prisons in the last 23 years. His conviction higher than five years, if, as the law provides, tripling the highest sentence that could have been for years out of prison. On the other hand, if applied recast sentences, as it has far exceeded the 20-year stay in prison, there are legal mechanisms that could and go out. Now, 23 years apparently has not been enough time for the prison system "rehabilitate" this man to "reintegrate" into society. Ms. Tura (Councillor of the Law) and Mr. Batlle (Director General of Prisons): expect many more years Amadeu need for "rehabilitation"? We insist, Amadeu has not committed any violent crime (other people with violent crimes and penalties similar to the street have come much earlier). Indisputable, you have a lot of work, work that should be much more relevant to resolve the situation of life and death of a person, is not it?.
Perhaps the lives of the poor and prisoners is not significant and valuable for our rulers. See Amadeu's mother, an older woman, having to beg for their right to meet with Mr. Batlle at each visit to the Directorate General of Prisons is humiliating. Where is the democracy, Mrs. Tura and Mr. Batlle?, Where is the negotiation as a means to resolve conflict?, Do you think that people who since 1936 have given their lives for freedom and social justice did so a Councillor of Justice and a general director of Penitentiary Institutions act the way you carry two years performing with Amadeu Casellas? How can we sleep soundly?. In 2008, the judge of the court no. 2 of Manresa, Erika López Gracia, and then the judge of the fifth section of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCardinal Sergio Montraveta, denied the release of Amadeu for humanitarian reasons. In short, it is to prisons, politicians and judges to punish, punishing the poor-but with 23 years of imprisonment not have enough to "rehabilitate" a person and that comes back to the street

(Press Amadeu Casellas, on the manipulation of information and silenced deaths

For about a month, run by some journalists here in Catalan TV3 television, apparently are doing a story of this prison. In this interview out some prisoners previously selected and where the criticism is so soft and misleading.

I could see how some journalists call a list of prisoners that he gave his own address and processing equipment. It is also clear that this report is agreed from within the Department of Justice, so it is obvious that the same great handling, it seems what they want with this report, is as usual, that is, to manipulate the general public . In it, you can see the facilities, kitchen, laundry, sports, workshops, modules, etc ... This coupled with background interviews manipulated, will result in the prisoners are more or less in 5-star hotels or resorts that are the envy of workers who are unemployed or who are paying the crisis that has caused himself capitalist system and is now building for the closing of businesses to open in Eastern countries, where labor is much cheaper.

But back to the prison of Brians 2. In this prison there have been more than 20 deaths since they opened less than two years, which means that the death rate is the largest Europe, if not worldwide. The reasons for so many deaths, the Department of Justice of the Generalitat de Catalunya, will try to mask with this story, but the reality of so many deaths is the physical and mental deterioration suffered by the prisoners that we have here. On the one hand the lack of activities and design their own jail inducing depression, and secondly, the low number and variety of food, and secondly, the lack of hot water in the cells in winter, lack of heating and in many cases, the lack of light in the cells. Put you mean, when does the hot water and heating in some of the cells in the module, cold water comes out the other and no heat, I myself have been about two weeks without light in the cell, at present, and for many days, I have no hot water in the shower and of course, does not operate the heater. This, coupled with the serious illness suffered by many prisoners, causes deterioration of health will accelerate more than alarming. Finally, we can not forget that many of the prisoners who die, are saturated with so-called legal drugs and anything unusual, leads to death. Each and every one of these things, the report will soon be released in TV3, surely not talk because it does not matter, since it would admit that the system is failing, but more embarrassing, is that Catalan society, I consider it smart, you can come to believe that prisons are the solution, and that prisoners are luxury. Nothing is further from reality, it is pathetic that the media even if state and TV3, who say they are "professionals", they continue the game until that point. They ask the families of the prisoners how they are, or the families of the 20 dead, how they killed their families ...



Health kompas,

After over 7 months since I left the last hunger strike that lasted 77 days, I make this reflection and evaluation.

strategies that are politically motivated and maintaining strength, the Directorate General, with the likes of Jordi Torres, who was one of those responsible for initiating the earlier hunger strike, because he was deputy director of prison treatment Quatre Camins and therefore had to be aware that the treatment team of MR-3 was sending false reports to both the JVP 1, and also to the AudienciaProvincial of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bit is now found in the PHD I suppose that as award for services rendered in Quatre Camins, from what I understand I have a direct enemy within the Directorate-General, so it is obviously one that is against my release from prison.

On the other hand, most know that in this prison where I am, Brians 2, there have been over 25 deaths under mysterious circumstances within two years it has been open. Of these deaths, I consider most responsible for the Councilor of Justice of Catalonia, the secretary general of prisons Albert Batlle, at the controls of this prison and treatment teams are the ones with false promises, deceit, etc, discourage and sink morally many prisoners dead this sad result.

In my case, during this time, I saw how they wanted to manipulate me, asking me to extend a request to the CAS, which should put that I had had a relapse into drug problem, to which I refused to be false . I also see that the way to go looking for prolonging my stay in Lacarcel. There had to be signed Individual Treatment Program (ITP), than the day 3/10/2009, but I signed on 02/04/1909. In the PIT, it is contemplated that I have to leave permits, but does not no day or hour, only said that this quarter it is assumed that began on 03/10/1909. I think patience I've had has been long, but everything has to have an end and not be stretching the remaining in prison for what I believe the day will be over 20 and half of this quarter and I at least I have to day and hour to get out, otherwise I have to think it's a new joke or perhaps hoping that I commit suicide, but nothing further, if you want my blood, which come to seek. THE LAST HUNGER STRIKE UNTIL YOU ARE NOT Lacarcel.

There will be no other agreement, so if anything happens to me, are directly responsible for Montserrat Tura, Albert Batlle, the commanders of the prison and of course, the treatment team.

With this panorama that awaits me, if before April 20, I have given day and time, I have to ask that this statement was broadcast in several languages \u200b\u200bvia the Internet, so that all groups of anarchists at international anti-groups, the independence Maulets Catalans, Basque and deEspaña all groups, with the CNT-AIT, Human Rights and Against Torture, I support the way that each creates more opportunity, because I think even though I spent months on hunger strike, without you do not get it. I also request the involvement of political parties Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) and Catalunya Verds Initiative (LCI) and I hope that we all get my start as they say their own penal laws, criminal and constitutional.

Health and Anarchy.)

Amadeu made a first hunger strike in the spring of 2008, and a second 77-day hunger in the summer of 2008. In September 2008 agreed to Prison in March 2009 would apply to a third degree restricted, and that little could later release. Why

Amadeu spoke of "falsehood"? There are enough elements to conceive of Amadeu Casellas being punished because of repeated complaints made about the situation in prisons throughout Catalonia 23 years. Echoing Amadeu takes time, and reproduced verbatim the terms used, to "labor exploitation, torture, deaths induced and all kinds of abuses that prisoners suffer." A picture is not flattering, murky enough to do during the stay of journalists Brians 2-TV3 in March 2009 to develop the program "in prison" being broadcast this week-not detect what Amadeu explained that the major means of public and private consumption have been hiding, referring to Brians 2, he speaks of "small quantity, poor quality and lack of variety of food, lack of activities for prisoners, a physical design and organization of the prison and prison life leads to depression, saturation of legal and illegal drugs for many prisoners, "the final consumption does appear in this TV program, but did not explain how there is or who benefits, "" lack of hot water and heating, in winter, in certain areas of some modules (when a part is not in the other), lack of electricity for weeks in some cells ... "To the rulers of prison system with a salary sheet at end of month-to-public resources Amadeu life is worthless. To many different people of Catalonia, the English state, Europe and America that have taken place Amadeu solidarity actions in the past two years his life and yes it does it makes sense, because life is reflected Amadeu around the world: their hopes, their dreams, their needs, their struggles, dreams and love people who want and regards it as a just cause and, above all, their freedom and their rights. Their rights, Ms. Tura and Mr. Batlle, their rights: Amadeu and around the world. Our rights.
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Tuesday October 20, 2009

This double standard to which we are accustomed to the right on abortion, on one side have on the topic a regressive attitude but within their own homes, if they got the case, as has happened and is happening, going to an abortion in London.

be against the practice of abortion does not make you a fascist. But when that idea gets at the power of controlling the body charged with murder and people who favor the principle of ownership over their own bodies, if not try to impose order in which patriarchal conceptions macho than the axis of social order, where "pro-life" is synonymous with intolerance, imposition of moral and legal standards, no room for disagreement, the hue or even the refusal of a bipolarity always arguable, then we are in the political space which has been called neo-fascist or reactionary. The bill that is to reform the practice of abortion in the English state. not intended to increase the rights of individuals, but only bring a legal text to the actual practice. Because what we should be debating is whether children who "live" do so in appropriate conditions, from conception to death. Whether the family based on patriarchy and designed to perpetuate the values \u200b\u200bof rule of capitalism and machismo is the most suitable for the free development of individuals. And the same should be debating the role of a school dominated not only by those values, but also a very high percentage, a conservative Catholic Church.

not escape But another thing is also that all private business practice of abortion go to "normal" market with their taxes, which revalued the price for greater joy of claiming medical problems of conscience who refuse to practice in public hospitals would charge because they do not, there in their private clinics and have no problems of conscience.

Fear of sexual and reproductive organ female chauvinist power as an excuse to be replaced by relations, equality of persons for sexual enjoyment and love of the possibilities we offer our bodies and minds. Surely, in a society free of fear, to symmetries and abuse of power over each other and others, the issue of abortion is not even planteable from legal or moral assumptions.


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