Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Long Do A Hair Relaxer Last After Mixing It


Manuel de la Rocha, from the perspective of Parliament talked about fiscal policy of Zapatero's government. Whereas the government, Zapatero has been especially courageous because it has not yielded to the pressures, among other things because he thinks the crisis does not go out alone. However, even though this is true the reality is that neither the government nor the party has been able to sell what has been done. The government has continued deepen social policies, but from our point of view has continued through the prism of classical social democracy. This means that social policy continues to state that based on a productivist model that is under the umbrella of "economic growth." We believe there is out of this logic is not a mercantilist logic of capital. We have to find another logic based on solidarity , but getting here is not necessary new alliances with the bourgeoisie, but with the New Social Movements
De la Rocha if he found a weakness in government policy: the current fiscal policy will tax classes middle and lower classes. The PSOE should not be against a tax policy, but policy must implemntar severe progressive tax the haves. Therefore the former is taxed at capital gains ...

Carlos Martinez (ATTAC ) focused his speech on the need to articulate the social movements to get out of the crisis. A crisis that has resulted primarily: 1) loss social and economic rights, 2) An assault the welfare state.

ATTAC Strategy: a) the Tobin, speculative capital tax rate and according to C. Martinez is a budget of Keynesian redestribución b) Curb Services Agreement CMO, and that the agreement involves the privatization of public services.

Spain Strategy: 1) escalation of taxes, 2) Increase the tax on up to 25% Sicav, 3) Restore the tax on economic activity, 4) Set the Tobin Tax, 5) Introduce a tax Single Income from Capital. Carlos Martinez

For this would be a start to redistribute wealth. He forgot to another proposal that is on the agenda of ATTAC. We refer to the implementation of the BASIC INCOME . What is meant by Basic Income: " the RB is a state income paid to each full member of society or a resident, even if they want paid work, regardless whether they are rich or poor, or put another way, regardless of what may be the other possible sources of income, and regardless of whom live together "

here I will not go into discussion about this new political right. Just say it is to recover the republican tradition, is to the right of success over the right of ownership, as did Robespierre or T. Paine before the expropriation of large mass with a common property (land) proposed this law. Today, again, the internationalization of capital colleva "ownership" of international capitalism by large resource ownership condemning large numbers of people to a global apartheid , so we need this new law. A right which is accepted by Marxists and A. Callinicos and economists as François Chesnais

Finally I would say about the above issues by Comrade V. Garcés. We talked about the Socialist Organization and its meaning. But it also gave us some features, first defining the political as a unity of thought and action , classical Greek definition which includes Marx Manifesto.

The Organization is forged in the Theory (Enlightenment and Socialism), and the Action . The theoretical struggle against superstition, idealism and positivism, but also the social struggle for better conditions of life of a working class. A struggle based on democracy ; in social processes ranging from Chartism and the foundation of Trade Unions today. A social process that involves sacrifice, blood and tears for the achievement of social rights and freedom and social equality.

Social struggles that have faced other social classes and in principle allowed us to Alliance Social Movements, and now we have to lead to new Alinazas with New Social Movements.

But lest we mistake, if we are not lead to cheating is to give full meaning to the terms, concepts. The Class Struggle means confrontation with the appearance at certain times of Violence . NO all violence has the same meaning . We must distinguish between the violence of the powerful and the violence of the masses. We must talk about the violence of the excluded. What is legitimate? Of course it is possible to transform society by peaceful means, but capitalism implies violence: the violence of exploitation, violence in the mass expropriation of natural resources .....

We must talk about Democracy . What kind of democracy?. The original meaning of speaks demos, but in our world has become demos idiotes . Our democracies the demos has been replaced by echlos (the crowd-mud) the power echlocracia echlos is where the mass has ceased to be a crowd and is no longer a social class.

must not forget (which they sometimes do, so that finally only There is a type of democracy) that the bourgeoisie was never democratic. The modern Demos appears with the French Revolution, with cullotte Sans , grassroots democracy, a government of Demos, a direct democracy. Conservatives are

[Burke and Beltham] those who criticize the Liberty of the Ancients and advocate the representation . The power be delegated and Demos no longer exercises its power as it is obliged to delegate their representatives to end up perpetuating the same. When Demos left him only the right to use their freedom every four years .... Ultimately our democrats are the representatives and when you give exercise is criminalized or hidden from saying it is a totalitarian
Javier Méndez-Vigo


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