Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Old Nike Yellow Mercurial




falter Socialist government to pressure from the Capital

approval on 26th May "Program Set" proposed by the Government, it placed the entire burden of state spending cuts on the shoulders of public employees and pensioners.

a stroke was outlined in a 5% average salary of civil servants and public sector employees, freeze pensions and reduced aid dependency. In

This is shameful, Zapatero and his government finally crossed the Rubicon and, forgetting all his campaign promises, gave up a policy to benefit the overwhelming majority of workers and youth that make up its electoral support base.

aside his doubts and initial hesitation, openly ceded to pressure from "the markets", ie to the dictates of the big bankers and businessmen, to accept as good coin the "advice" of the true representatives of Capital , the IMF, the European Central Bank and the various forums Merchants Europe.

This abrupt shift in his anti-working class widened and deepened policy with approval by decree law June 16 of labor reform is the biggest attack on workers for decades .

End of Social Dialogue and Civil Servants Strike Decree of the Labor Reform Act

The call on June 8, officials strike against "Social Adjustment" by the UGT and CCOO got elicit supported by a significant segment of public sector workers and was a first attempt at union response to government attacks. The strike, however partial, had an impact important that is expressed primarily through the combative environment we live in certain events, as was the case with Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, Seville and Malaga. Tens of thousands of workers, with broad participation of young workers, participated in the demonstrations were also held in other major cities in the state.

As explained from this publication, by 8 June, a further explanation to all workers of all that was then in the game (now it is already clear by way of the facts), together with an attitude determined when all the workers call the degradation of all our rights and it was clear by then, have helped further the success of the day on 8 June.

A week later, on 14 June, negotiations broke entitled "Social Dialogue on Education Reform." The CCOO and UGT leaders, after months of fruitless negotiation with Employers and government, seen as though your desire to achieve moderation and a negotiated, the Government continued to dictate the arguments and proposals of the employers.

In practice, the union found that in the present context, where the capitalist system is facing its most serious crisis from the 30's of last century, no room for a negotiated solution is not possible the Social Pact.

On 16 June the Council of Ministers approved Decree Reform putting up the table a package of measures to drastically cut workers' rights. Including, among others, the following:

Facilitation and cheaper Dismissal:

- Extends the concept of "objective dismissal" to those cases in which companies can justify a "negative economic " and at the same time "facilitates" that if the trial judge to "label relates to any dismissal whenever there is an element of rationality in managerial positions." In these cases, the severance pay is 20 days per year and a maximum of 12 months (though now, in case of unfair dismissal, compensation is 45 days per year and a maximum of 42 months).

- All permanent contracts are signed now will, if subsequently there is a redundancy "objective", a "FOGASA grant of 8 days per year worked" bringing the cost to the employer would be 12 days per year only, in the case of previous layoffs.

- The widespread use of so-called Promoting employment contract (extending the age group of workers that can be applied up to 45 years and extending this method to those on temporary contracts to become permanent .) Thus, all new permanent contracts from now will be assigned to this mode, and the cost of dismissal becomes 33 days per year worked and a maximum of 24 months.

Cut the right to collective bargaining

- It facilitates "clause pick " wage" collective agreement " for companies in " negative economic situation " without agreement between the parties (as stated in clause pick of the Reformation and adopted in 1994).

Likewise, if the company wants to amend the conditions of time and labor of workers, under which establishes the collective agreement establishing a procedure through the figure of a "mediator", a procedure that and may have an effect on smaller firms with weaker association.

Development of the private placement. Extending the scope of the ETT's

- It ends with the consideration as a mandatory public service work of public employment (INEM and similar bodies in some regions). It enables private agencies for profit that are authorized for their jobs are mandatory. Thus, an unemployed will have to meet their requirements as well as the public agency.

- allow public authorities to have recourse to contract with the ETT. What, when now, with cuts expenditure, not covered even the attrition (retirement, disability, death .... etc) will mean an increase in instability and a worsening of working conditions and pay more on the current scandalous situation existing in precarious administarción public. Unacceptable

for Workers, Employers insufficient for

In an interview on June 17 Public daily General Secretary Ignacio Fernandez Toxo CC.OO referred to previous negotiations and the character you had to have the union response to the decree of the government and declared:

" There are many things that were not in negotiations or not as they have appeared (...) The BOE issued the decree that significantly worsens as put forward by the government in negotiations (...) There are many steps that the government withheld if the negotiators had planned. When you lifted the last negotiating meeting was said to be open a short period of consultation ... (to comment on the decree ) and there was no attempt to negotiate anything, while another was received in the Moncloa to which are given the label of being the 100 top economists people who seem to have a influence on the government (...) seems that the English socialism is doomed to manage crises always from a conservative perspective "

This shows the experience goes even beyond raising partner. In fact, across Europe attended a general attack by the media, multinational organizations and governments, claiming the only solution to the crisis systematic attack on the rights and social achievements of workers and labor.

The stark reality is:

capitalists to solve the crisis of their system have to cut wages and rights of the working class; governments bend to his wishes, and, with unanimous support media, argue and argue that there is no other choice except to impose and make the inevitable need to "pass the evaluation and meet market expectations." We require millions of working families to sacrifice our standard of living for the sake of a distant and promising "tomorrow" where speculators and exploiters themselves, beneficiaries of an anarchic system, we promise a future of milk and honey. This is her recipe.

The only possible answer to unions and workers' parties call goes through the organization, the struggle and the mobilization of workers to change root a system unable to secure employment and working conditions and decent living for most workers, with our daily work and effort, we are the only source of wealth creation.

The general strike call for September 29

the 16th, coinciding with the publication in the Official Gazette of the Education Reform Law Decree, CCOO and UGT summoned a 24-hour general strike throughout the State for 29 September.

One of the reasons given by the general secretaries of CCOO and UGT to propose the September 29 date for conducting the general strike, was to protest to coincide with the announcement made by the ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) to European labor unions protested against the policies of social adjustment that are being held across the continent.

Also, another argument that wielded in his favor was that on 30 this month is expected to begin debate in Congress on the State Budget. Moreover, now, after the Government's decision process as a Draft Decree Law Reform for discussion and approval may be delayed in time. Although after the call to strike by unions, the PSOE (with the support of CiU), will to move quickly to pass the bill by the emergency procedure.

However, the decisive argument for choosing this date was in the words of Toxo, the union believes that the general strike must be prepared in the workplace and can not be a "Paripe" but you have to ensure a wide response from workers.

have already been convened for June 30 union acts in the autonomous communities, with a great act of association in Madrid in early September. That is the way, is necessary to inform and make workers aware of what is really at stake. This addresses UGT and CCOO have to give one step further: to develop a plan for towns and cities, convene and conduct meetings in all factories, workplaces and neighborhoods. We have to explain in the factories and pits that only the organization and continued mobilization and workers can change the course of the current government policy.

Most Basque trade union calls for general strike in Euskadi June 29

On Saturday 12 June, the central Basque ELA, LAB, STEE-EILAS, ESK ... that are supported (almost 65%) of delegates and committees in Euskadi, at the end of the demonstration who had called against cuts (and which drew thousands of demonstrators in Bilbao), announced by the mouth of the Secretaries General of LAB ELA-STV and the convening of a General Strike in Euskadi on June 29 against cutting measures adopted and against labor reform was about to order the government.

In his appeal, explained how the economic and financial powers are in their offensive to accumulate wealth, trying to end what we have known as the Welfare State. Likewise, rightly denounced how the government and Zapatero government in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) and Navarre have joined with the requirements of those and are implementing a policy that only benefits a minority at the expense of the poorer classes.

passed after criticizing the UGT and CCOO participation in negotiations with Government and Employers in the "Social Dialogue", saying this has enabled the Government to extend the negotiating timetable, which has severely hindered the ability a social response.

Finally, they concluded that a strong response was needed in key counter, to change these policies at the service of economic power, and called for General Strike for the 29-J requires, among other demands the immediate withdrawal labor reform proposed by the English government.

Unit or Division action on national lines How is defending the interests of the Basque working class?

The leaders of most union Basque, one of the alternative points of his "Manifesto for the strike of 29 J" say :

"It's time to meet the demands expressed by the working class Euskal Herria, and in this sense, it is time for "Basque political parties" choose between accepting the dictates of Madrid or make commitments in the defense of the Basque working class and a new framework Euskadi decide to allow the policies needed to defend our labor and social rights. "

While doing this call, from the time of the call for general strike, and before thousands of workers, leaders of Ela and LAB said beforehand that will not count for this protest CCOO and UGT Euskadi! .

asked the companions: "We face or not a global crisis of capitalism we suffer, and the capitalists want us to pay, workers in Bilbao, Vitoria or in Beijing? Are they being implemented or not the same policies set by the governments of all countries and nations of Europe? Why? The problem is that "Basque parties, including the PNV and EA (regardless of the class they represent), must choose between the dictates of Madrid or commitments with the Basque working class? Or, instead, are class interests of the Bourgeoisie (Basque, Catalan, English or English), those who want to defend these policies implemented?

If ELA and LAB leaders want to ensure the widest possible mobilization in the strike of 29 J should clarify: Is it positive or not the interests of all workers with calls to end Basque separated, such as the officialdom of 25 May and 8 June?

Do we or do not, despite our ideological differences, the same class interests of workers in ELA, LAB, UGT and CCOO, or 80% of workers without union affiliation?

We think so and we think that the Alliance Unanimous all EU governments "in favor of the great financiers and capitalists can only be answered with the united front of labor organizations in Euskadi, the English state and throughout Europe.

nationalist trade union leaders were right when they warned that participation in the "Social Dialogue" of the UGT and CCOO not serve anything positive and this has could be used by the Government and employers as a legitimization of their actions. Now the "Social Pact" has been broken and, instead of negotiations, we call for a general strike on September 29 by the CCOO and UGT. Of course, the partners have every right to continue to raise their criticism but the question is do they :

"or not would be a useful tool to pressure the government and demand the withdrawal of the decree of the Reformation that General Strike September 29th had on the whole state, and Euskadi, mass support? Would it help or no mass participation in the strike to defend the interests of workers Basques?

's position CCOO and UGT Euskadi to the general strike on June 29

June 15 Unai Sordo, Secretary General of CCOO de Euskadi, announced at a press conference held at the union headquarters in Bilbao Euskadi called general strikes in the day June 29.

Sordo In the words of the call to strike was produced in response to the speculators' biggest offensive against the welfare state and against the Central Government for its reform Labor Market.

Finally, Unai Sordo explained that the coincidence in dates with the call of ELA and LAB in no way means that CC.OO would join the same:

"This is a call to the autonomous union will maintain its own standards and approaches and will try that, you can focus the debate in the workplace where it belongs, in response to increased avalanche of attacks on social status and rights of workers. And not in sterile frontism divert attention, divide the workers and pave the way for employers and neoliberal institutions. " For

Meanwhile, the same day 15 Damaso Casado, general secretary of the UGT-Euskadi, declared that his union would not call on June 29 while it was appealing to trade union unity for the call that all the State level has been called by the UGT and CCOO for 29 September.

Association Action Unit on 29 June and the September 29 attacks the government and employers

In 2002, ELA and LAB refused to call a general strike against government decretazo Azna the same day (June 20) that the state unions UGT and CCOO, advancing the date of his call to June 19. This situation prevailed in General strike of May 21 last year and the recent government workers. This is the first time, with the exception of UGT (in Euskadi is the 4 th power of association, with 15% of union representation) is broken in the manner cited above, the dynamics of trade union division and occurs in practice, a situation of coincidence in the timing and action of the entire labor movement.

In fact, if the call to strike on June 29 by the power of the majority union called Basque, add the CC.OO of Euskadi, and the USO and other organizations such as CGT, about 85% of trade union movement organized Euskadi Basque workers calling for mobilization against the "Labor Reform and cuts in government.

What this shows is how in practice despite the differences between the various organizations of class, which will increasingly prevail in this crisis is the instinct and the need to maintain unity in the workers' struggle, an idea which are causing increasing support among the most active and aware of the working class.

workers' interests are the same, whatever the differences of race, religion, sex or nationality!

is much more that unites us than separates us: we must demand our leaders that, without renouncing his ideas and approaches defend a FRONT OF THE WORKERS. We need to regain the old traditions of our class and while march separately, strike together to share a common enemy. Only then can we deal with the offensive of capital. Pepe

Blanes. CMI


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