Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Clip Of Mysore Malligae


The magazine Journal of Communism n ª 5 the unfortunate JESUS \u200b\u200bALBARRACIN wrote the following:

"Since last 23F live in the English a process of" counter "expedited. The already limited gains of June 15, 1977, are gradually denatured, democratic institutions function under the prevailing pressure of the Army, "shadow party" and coup threats, the "powers that , which conditioned the limits of reform that gave rise to the regime of 15-J , play now a more active role and put in key positions of the top military elements, which if anything have been highlighted, have been for his continuous anti-democratic creeds, the " strategy of tension", in short, is developed through a real climbing to 23F happens Almeria, 23M .., and the government used to further restrict freedoms, with passivity, if not with the support of the leaders of the parliamentary left .

It seems that this country has gotten into a dynamic fata: or succeeds the stroke or the "Counter-." But the labor movement can and should change this state of affairs. Subject to abandon fatalism, because freedom is not yet lost, that is organized coup against escalating because of their passivity depends on the success of those, and that is capable of influencing the different strategies in play: of the coup, that of the bourgeoisie, the majority of its leaders and the ETA .

The strategy of tension

Tejero input in Congress showed how wide is the degree of autonomy of an army coup rife with regard to the system the 15-J and the bourgeoisie itself. Since then, a part of it works on the dynamics of a new coup, looking create a social base, still insufficient, and convince the most "constitutionalists" of the need for an involution. The leak of the summary of 23F, the coup in the street agitation, the use of the attacks of Grapo and ETA in early May and 23M own are links in a chain that seeks to meet these goals. And with an army of these characteristics and which is hardly controllable by anyone, a new coup attempt may occur at any time.

However, recent events have shown the lack of unanimity of the coup. If the degree of autonomy of the army is considerable, the events of Almeria or the 23M 23F could disrupt a major operation designed more for later, recent events show that some sectors are greater autonomy of others, exacerbating the estrateia of tension, certainly, but poses problems for their own coup. show that there are wings with various projects to return to a military dictatorship. Like the "precipitation" of the

Tejero But events as Almería or 23M also pose problems for the government [of UCD]. Caught in the strategy of tension, it does not want to deal with the dynamic coup, but on the contrary, used to further restrict freedoms. Concealment of the truth about the "tejerazo" and the release of the civil guards involved now joins them in explaining real travesty of the last two phenomena. When three workers look burned and dismembered at the hands of policemen, when even the "happy ending" 23M day everyone, and even the government were convinced that the attackers were mienbros of this body, when they first are "anarchists, criminals and sausages, then in the parliamentary debate," paid for by the extreme right "and finally" simple robbers ", the result can not be other than total loss of credibility and convinced that the policy of the UCD passes exculpate of an attack on those who carried out the next.

Heather Brooke Harmon Alive

30 years of a shock when a point of no return. A non-return very different from what we have today the winners, since they do not forget that history is always written by the victors. And this story also has winners and losers. Or does the "democracy" that wanted to build before 1981, 23F is the same as the one that wiped taking root? "The state is the same? "The coup was soft or hard? "The freedoms are the same? Looking at the
1978 Constitution there was talk of a Social State .
it is spoken in a Regional State
was talk of economic and social rights
the other party to this Constitution also spoke of a "social economy market."
What's that? If there seems to be talking about "Alice in Wonderland ". And no one speaks of the" White Elephant "and the terrorism of the late FN that fateful night, pistol in his belt, would seek to" red "... and in certain military governments were to offer their services patriots. And no one talks about the plot and saved civilization to the Crown. But nobody talks about why it took so long to make his speech of "tranquility" to the people. No one talks about the plot civil as no one talks about the true role of the English bourgeoisie in the coup. What really happened is that in "practice" got what he wanted the ruling class.
liberties is lowered, since the left unions play the role that really should play and practice directions lead a "pact" with the employer which has resulted in the emergence of ETTs , the emergence of contractual getting worse for workers and has led to the job insecurity and the emergence of working poor .
But to conclude this brief article, the coup led to the disappearance of " right to self determination" and the disappearance of one of the proposed legislation that has always fought the left in this state. The coup led to put a "brake" to the federal perspective. A few months later the English Parliament approved a law that turned one of the requirements of Colonel Tejero, these courts approved the LOAPA ( law allowing the state to centralize ) ........

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Buddy From Cake Boss Recipes For Fondant

Time ... time ... I remember the contest

Hi, I can not write as often as I wish and I have two outstanding reviews, but lately I'm busy but I am aware of your post for the contest the blog, which I remind you that you have until March 12 to participate =) .

I put the list of participants is at the moment and which I have sent the required information correctly. If you can not see on the list because there has been an error in sending mail to tell me in a comment.

Rosa, Pinkiland, Maribel, Mandarin, Sydney, Tatty, Rebecaa571, Katnis, Harle, Saggar, Noe, Isi, Helena Psychedelic, Neikel, Lilit, Nidal, Maiden, Isabel.

encourage one to participate, the mail is sent in a wee country and you can win one of the books that give you choice, Not wait until the last minute!.

Greetings to all and thanks to fans that we're almost 150!.

Vein Showing On My Breast


Galileo when he left the court of the "Holy Inquisition" uttered the words: "And yet moves." Science always face any kind of dogmatism and fundamentalism. With the dialectic something similar happens, especially when applied to class struggle, Stalinism When dropped, the bourgeoisie and the reformism wanted to brainwash us and turned the form dogma in falling into an anachronistic fundamentalism. We were told that capitalism had no choice because constantly exceeded crisis.
How far are these days! The reality abhors a vacuum and is always looking for a way out.
imperialism had to find another enemy and found him in the frankenstein that he grew up: we refer to radical Islam that armed and financed to destroy the Stalinist bureaucracy. Behind it was a goal: assaulting the backyard of the USSR where were the raw materials for the West to continue living happily. But what brought her back A dialectical ... And for thirty years or more the U.S. and the EU has been feeding dictatorships throughout the Arab world.
The white turns gray and disappears stability: to cry or Shia or suniis but rebel citizens Barei the masses ... Tunisia, Egypt, ...
And meanwhile, here we care about lists ... Time bureaucrats take advantage of gains to remove certain colleagues who have worked. And now over use quotas ! to tell us we are more democratic. But the program or word. For Proposals or one. How can this stop? What is the role played by the House of town (Town Hall) at the start of the crisis? Now since this is the web parlamamento released the following question: Where is the basic income proposal that was agreed in the reform of the Statute? And for the record that it was more of a Minimum Income for Insertion , which meant it was a "charity" to keep standing. The Basic Income is very different because it is unconditional and not press to force the unemployed to work in menial jobs I precarious. Suvenciona How? There are many ways that is not the time to translate, but only say that one of the ways is with a progressive tax : ie paying more than you have.
But face it supports a reform Labora l based on the "termination free", the "labor flexibility" [non-business] and work in precarious and to top it, the tax rebate entrepreneurs. Ah! was the last straw: The Pension reform. Bureaucracy puts
theirs, but not only that, but even change the program. Say you speak of Valencia. How is it possible that from night to morning to defend the park Ferrari? How is it possible that the overnight talk of something else on the Cabañal? ... Against this is best place to ours ..
I'm not pessimistic, or want to be. There are alternative. And when I say that I am not pessimistic because I am that I never stay home. At least until "the right to abstain" is not a democratic right. There
leftist policies based on something other than kneel in front of the IMF and neoliberal policy of the EU [now hegemonized Germany]. But that policy is not in the offices of the apparatus of matches or Unions. This policy starts from the base, from social movements, from Committees or left-wing unions. And if we do in a state where more than 20% of the youth has no future (and growing), we can find a movement like that is occurring in the Maghreb. So calls like the SE against " youth unemployment" for March 30 are a step in the right direction.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Large Lump On My Dog's Tail


Happy Valentine's Day for both those who are celebrating and those who do not.

gift I leave it as news by the editorial everest:

not forget you have until May 12 to participate in the first contest blog .


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Driver E Software Smartst Icn 520

Blog Contest +100 followers

Hello!. As I promised, here are the basis for the first contest of the blog, as we have reached over 100 followers. Thank you all!

As any publisher not work with me when making this contest and pay the shipping costs will come out of my pocket, the winner may choose one of books in the list I put below this post. The one you like or have not yet read.

Among the requirements to participate in this contest: Be

  • follower of the blog to reside in Spain
  • Leave a comment on this post Be
  • follower / a blog on facebook (if not registered in this network there is no problem to participate equally in the competition)
For extra points, resulting in more numbers with which to participate and therefore more chances of winning, you will receive:
  • +5 points if you talk about the contest on an entry in your blog
  • +2 points if you talk of the contest on your Facebook
  • + 1 point if you talk the competition in your Twitter
  • +3 points to those who have seen the end of the contest have been more active on my blog (applicable to the final of the competition)
Once you have all done, I have to send an email to: , thereby Case "Blog Contest". (Do not forget about it because it think that your mail is spam and not read).
Once you have received your email and checked that everything is sent correctly will give you your numbers for participation. If you see that you are not sending any mail back please let me know if there has been a problem in shipping.
must indicate in the mail your name / nick , the link of your in blogger profile to verify that you are followers of the blog, facebook address and links where you can check your bonus points .
So you see how easy it is to participate and win one of the books I put the list below. You have until March 12 at 11:59 p.m. to participate.

"The hunter of prophecy" of Carolina Lozano
"The Princess Bride by William Goldman
"brand" and Kristin Cast PCCast
"Septimus" by Angie Sage

Courage and good luck!