Sunday, February 20, 2011

Vein Showing On My Breast


Galileo when he left the court of the "Holy Inquisition" uttered the words: "And yet moves." Science always face any kind of dogmatism and fundamentalism. With the dialectic something similar happens, especially when applied to class struggle, Stalinism When dropped, the bourgeoisie and the reformism wanted to brainwash us and turned the form dogma in falling into an anachronistic fundamentalism. We were told that capitalism had no choice because constantly exceeded crisis.
How far are these days! The reality abhors a vacuum and is always looking for a way out.
imperialism had to find another enemy and found him in the frankenstein that he grew up: we refer to radical Islam that armed and financed to destroy the Stalinist bureaucracy. Behind it was a goal: assaulting the backyard of the USSR where were the raw materials for the West to continue living happily. But what brought her back A dialectical ... And for thirty years or more the U.S. and the EU has been feeding dictatorships throughout the Arab world.
The white turns gray and disappears stability: to cry or Shia or suniis but rebel citizens Barei the masses ... Tunisia, Egypt, ...
And meanwhile, here we care about lists ... Time bureaucrats take advantage of gains to remove certain colleagues who have worked. And now over use quotas ! to tell us we are more democratic. But the program or word. For Proposals or one. How can this stop? What is the role played by the House of town (Town Hall) at the start of the crisis? Now since this is the web parlamamento released the following question: Where is the basic income proposal that was agreed in the reform of the Statute? And for the record that it was more of a Minimum Income for Insertion , which meant it was a "charity" to keep standing. The Basic Income is very different because it is unconditional and not press to force the unemployed to work in menial jobs I precarious. Suvenciona How? There are many ways that is not the time to translate, but only say that one of the ways is with a progressive tax : ie paying more than you have.
But face it supports a reform Labora l based on the "termination free", the "labor flexibility" [non-business] and work in precarious and to top it, the tax rebate entrepreneurs. Ah! was the last straw: The Pension reform. Bureaucracy puts
theirs, but not only that, but even change the program. Say you speak of Valencia. How is it possible that from night to morning to defend the park Ferrari? How is it possible that the overnight talk of something else on the CabaƱal? ... Against this is best place to ours ..
I'm not pessimistic, or want to be. There are alternative. And when I say that I am not pessimistic because I am that I never stay home. At least until "the right to abstain" is not a democratic right. There
leftist policies based on something other than kneel in front of the IMF and neoliberal policy of the EU [now hegemonized Germany]. But that policy is not in the offices of the apparatus of matches or Unions. This policy starts from the base, from social movements, from Committees or left-wing unions. And if we do in a state where more than 20% of the youth has no future (and growing), we can find a movement like that is occurring in the Maghreb. So calls like the SE against " youth unemployment" for March 30 are a step in the right direction.


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