The magazine Journal of Communism n ª 5 the unfortunate JESUS \u200b\u200bALBARRACIN wrote the following:
"Since last 23F live in the English a process of" counter "expedited. The already limited gains of June 15, 1977, are gradually denatured, democratic institutions function under the prevailing pressure of the Army, "shadow party" and coup threats, the "powers that , which conditioned the limits of reform that gave rise to the regime of 15-J , play now a more active role and put in key positions of the top military elements, which if anything have been highlighted, have been for his continuous anti-democratic creeds, the " strategy of tension", in short, is developed through a real climbing to 23F happens Almeria, 23M .., and the government used to further restrict freedoms, with passivity, if not with the support of the leaders of the parliamentary left .
It seems that this country has gotten into a dynamic fata: or succeeds the stroke or the "Counter-." But the labor movement can and should change this state of affairs. Subject to abandon fatalism, because freedom is not yet lost, that is organized coup against escalating because of their passivity depends on the success of those, and that is capable of influencing the different strategies in play: of the coup, that of the bourgeoisie, the majority of its leaders and the ETA .
The strategy of tension
Tejero input in Congress showed how wide is the degree of autonomy of an army coup rife with regard to the system the 15-J and the bourgeoisie itself. Since then, a part of it works on the dynamics of a new coup, looking create a social base, still insufficient, and convince the most "constitutionalists" of the need for an involution. The leak of the summary of 23F, the coup in the street agitation, the use of the attacks of Grapo and ETA in early May and 23M own are links in a chain that seeks to meet these goals. And with an army of these characteristics and which is hardly controllable by anyone, a new coup attempt may occur at any time.
However, recent events have shown the lack of unanimity of the coup. If the degree of autonomy of the army is considerable, the events of Almeria or the 23M 23F could disrupt a major operation designed more for later, recent events show that some sectors are greater autonomy of others, exacerbating the estrateia of tension, certainly, but poses problems for their own coup. show that there are wings with various projects to return to a military dictatorship. Like the "precipitation" of the
Tejero But events as Almería or 23M also pose problems for the government [of UCD]. Caught in the strategy of tension, it does not want to deal with the dynamic coup, but on the contrary, used to further restrict freedoms. Concealment of the truth about the "tejerazo" and the release of the civil guards involved now joins them in explaining real travesty of the last two phenomena. When three workers look burned and dismembered at the hands of policemen, when even the "happy ending" 23M day everyone, and even the government were convinced that the attackers were mienbros of this body, when they first are "anarchists, criminals and sausages, then in the parliamentary debate," paid for by the extreme right "and finally" simple robbers ", the result can not be other than total loss of credibility and convinced that the policy of the UCD passes exculpate of an attack on those who carried out the next.
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