Friday, November 27, 2009

Heather In I Deep Throt

The illustrious Campos

But what happens here? Terelu, the illustrious journalist estate space on the airwaves, it is looking more to his equally illustrious mother and journalist Maria Teresa Campos, and the illustrious Maria Teresa Campos, be looking increasingly to his illustrious journalistic and biological daughter also Terelu Campos. The mater, Maria Teresa Campos, comes in a few programs that make these special, I think that Saturday afternoon, where they announce some kind of secure exclusive ad and then when the truth, it is always the media review of a certain age, usually without contributing anything new, and increasingly comes with a slimmer and more youthful hairstyle. Instead Terelu daughter, I think it goes on the Wheel each time with a midwife and combed over her face is becoming older woman, besides, I do not know why more and more emphasis placed Andalusian why?. Why this family metamorphosis illustrious cross between fields?, I is!.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mandingo And Black Woman


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nys Unemployment Online Certification


was held last week at the headquarters of the Medical College in Madrid the "Forum on the ethics of protection measures population against influenza, "a very interesting conference that the group of physicians is organizing for the latest" pandemic "weeks to discuss the latest developments relating to the situation.

Juan Gérvas, medical talent and spirit of Madrid (pictured first from left) sent me some conclusions of his vision. Resumo which I think are not only reasonable but John's original I posted it on several occasions his writings. Worth reading:
People born before 1957 have defenses against influenza A . The influenza virus circulated widely between 1918 and 1957 and left a protection for more than 50 years in those affected. That is, the natural immunity lasts longer than half a century. Thus the elders die less with influenza A. It's worth spending the flu and not try to serve as a vaccine if one knows how much effect would last. In passing the flu to children, youth and adults will have the opportunity to be inoculated for life and the disease naturally. Indeed, the epidemic of 1918 that caused millions of deaths occurred in a world without antibiotics, health systems, poverty and no running water, and yet we killed almost exclusively to the poor. Also the 2009-10 flu kills mostly poor countries without public health system, as in Mexico and the U.S..
The flu is just one of many diseases " flu-like." The influenza virus causes a very few "flu." Although the vaccine was effective only prevent cases of influenza itself. For example, doctors sentinels, specializing in diagnosing the flu to take samples and determine the type of virus, are correct in only 30-50% of cases (in 50-70% of patients, the flu symptoms leads to another virus, such as adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, etc.). The typical trancazo is almost always something else, not influenza itself. Indeed, when physicians "Sentinel" hit and flu, almost 100% is the H1N1 virus (the influenza A), so not worth doing any testing or diagnostic test.
flu vaccines are for little in practice . The effectiveness of influenza vaccines is very low, around 33%. That is, no value in 7 of 10 vaccinees (who bear the risks of vaccination without expecting any benefit). Flu vaccines are especially useless in children and more children under two years, which are worthless. Furthermore, no clinical trials lasting years for flu shots, so I do not know about your injury and long-term benefits . Of influenza vaccine do not know about their effectiveness, but at most is 33%. The example of the southern hemisphere shows that not worth vaccination. In fact, vaccination could cause things are complicated, but provided no clinical trials to study the effectiveness of the vaccine in either the short or long term.
influenza A does not cause more complications in pregnant women seasonal flu. Pregnancy, especially at the end of it, is accompanied by more complications from influenza A, as happens every year with seasonal flu. Therefore, the pregnant woman should have the same behavior of calm and common sense to Influenza A flu that in the other years. The more specific vaccine against influenza A in pregnant women, Panenza, contain thimerosal as a preservative in multidose presentation thimerosal is not recommended in pregnancy . In addition, the technical (information officer) of Panenza says literally:
"4.6. Pregnancy and lactation . There are currently no data available on the use of Panenza during pregnancy. Data obtained in pregnant women who have been vaccinated with different seasonal inactivated vaccines do not suggest abjured no malformations or fetal or neonatal toxicity. " That is, we do not know nothing but vague deductions.
Pharmaceutical companies are not responsible for the damage caused by the vaccine against influenza A . The situation is so uncertain that politicians have decided to exempt pharmaceutical companies from liability for damage caused by vaccines against influenza A , both in the U.S. and the European Union. It is unlikely that the pharmaceutical industry has achieved this umbrella that protects you from claims and liabilities. This is easier to "take risks" (under caution, the more irresponsible) and move the potential damage to the shoulders of society, not the shareholders usually happens (in the business of the flu vaccine is only gains).
Public funding of the vaccine against influenza A diverts funds not used for other health issues . When using public money issue is not confined only to the effectiveness of vaccination against influenza A, but also its opportunity cost, what is left to be immunized. For example, the problem of suicide among adolescents (flu kills more than A), oral health of adults and elderly (toothless due to lack of public healthcare coverage), a dignified death at home (now almost impossible to die at home attended by himself physician). Share this information

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bald Spots On The Horse

the same working class!

entrepreneurs and capitalists of the English state have benefited in the last decade of the arrival of immigrant workers who have exploited in bestial conditions. The use of reactionary laws against immigrants, as immigration law, has placed them in conditions of illegality allowing capitalists to use our class brothers immigrants to reduce the rights and further worsen working conditions for the whole class working in sectors such as agriculture, fishing, construction, services, etc. On this basis, corporate profits have soared, in fact according to official data, the contribution of migrant workers to GDP growth is estimated at 50% over the past 5 years.
After more than ten consecutive years of growth of the immigrant population in our country, the net is shrinking for the first time due to the explosive rise in unemployment. Specifically, in the first quarter of 2009 only 9,500 applications were processed, in contrast to previous years such as 2007 with 240,000 applications every year and 2008 to 119,000. The crisis in the construction sector coupled with a continued tightening residence criteria are causing for the first time in decades there is a negative balance between arrival and departure of immigrants themselves.
Attacks on migrant workers have continued with the crisis, quite the contrary. Now, tens of thousands of migrant workers are faced with the dilemma of staying in the English state facing a growing labor exploitation, unemployment and police and judicial persecution, or return to their countries of origin, where the prospect employment, economic, and sociopolitical is even worse. Today, nearly 1,060,000 immigrants workers are unemployed (a rate of 29%), and only half of them is entitled to unemployment benefits. In this way, thousands of immigrants who daily feed the ranks of marginalization and dependency.
The PSOE government has offered no progressive solution to the tragic situation that live thousands of immigrant families, except the scam voluntary return programs, an attempt to take off over the issue after getting the added value of these workers .
All European legislation on immigration is covered by the reactionary idea that immigrants are a threat to native workers and the stability of society. A good example is the Berlusconi government in Italy, organized systematic raids on public transport to hunt illegal immigrants and make preventive expulsions by Maroni Law. Something similar is happening now in the English state, where the PSOE government is supporting the most reactionary measures that has always demanded the right against immigrant workers and their families. The current Immigration Act expands from 40 to 60 days the maximum period of detention for illegal immigrants, while European law allows up to 18 months detention for the mere fact of being an illegal immigrant.
face of all these attacks, major unions, CCOO and UGT, have not offered a firm response and have quietly and warm to the legislation passed against this particularly disadvantaged sector of the population. It's time to organize immigrant workers to unify their demands with those of all workers. It is a fundamental and urgent task of unifying class unionism fight the whole labor movement, native or foreign, against any kind of division in our ranks. English state employees want and need the expertise and strength of all our brothers fighting class.
a) No type of social discrimination, political or employment based on race. All labor and political rights for immigrants. For equal work, equal pay.

b) Abolition of immigration law and all repressive legislation. Right to family reunification. Reestablishment of a democratic law for political asylum without restrictions.

c) dramatic increase of public budgets to ensure the integration of immigrants. Free health care for all immigrants. Rights to decent public education and free. Social facilities, cultural and sports for the enjoyment of the population having access to all immigrants. Sufficient material means for the different communities to maintain their cultural traditions, linguistic and historical.

Resolution of the Third Conference of Association of THE MILITANT

Monday, November 9, 2009

Average Breasts Country


" What failed in Russia and Eastern Europe was not communism or socialism, in the sense that this was understood by Marx and Lenin but a bureaucratic and totalitarian caricature [Alan Woods ]

Today the capitalist bourgeoisie is celebrating. To the best of his cynicism and demagogy that even the credit granted to a journalist who twenty years ago asked a question to a minister of the GDR.
2009 is also the anniversary of the German Revolution of 1919 and the murder of the two leaders [ Luxemburg and k. Liebnkecht ] conducted by the German Social Democracy. It is also the anniversary of the founding of the Communist International. Finally, it is the anniversary of the Asturian Commune . But these celebrations do not exist for the global bourgeoisie. They are celebrations that "did not exist."
1989 marked the end of history for neoliberalism. The past is what failed and, therefore, forget, not to lie. What they really want is that the Labour Movement forget what you meant 1917 Revolution, we must make democracy forget the workers' councils . Because if achieved, all that remains is liberal democracy.
And yet it moves, the story continues its course. The Revolution (Bolivarian or any other) again seems. We refuse to accept uncritically the bourgeois democracy.

What is the Wall?

The Wall is the result of the Yalta agreements . But before this occurred sse Molotov-Ribentrov , whereby Stalin and Hitler divided Poland. But the pact did not prevent the Nazi Germany invaded the USSR. But meanwhile what's happened in the USSR?. The triumph of the Stalinist counter-revolution : there are purges that fell from 1936 to 1938 in the underground in the insulators and the gulags entire Bolshevik old guard and thousands of Communists who defended the gains of October and workers' democracy. [See, Pierre Broué , Communists from Stalin ]
On the other hand, the heroic struggle of the Soviet people managed to retain first and later Nazi troops, with the help of the Red Army defeated Hitler and reach gates of Berlin. But " the triumph of the Soviet Union in World War II had contradictory effects: on one hand the Soviet people was proud of having defeated the Nazi aocupación, but on the other, had paid too high a price under the direction Stali bureaucratic: for more than three years the Soviet territory was the scene of war, around 1700 small to medium-sized cities and 70,000 rural villages were completely destroyed. Were wiped out entire generations of workers and young people: 21 million Soviet citizens died in the war and more than one and half million were deported on Stalin's orders. The demographic impact was felt over the years, yet in 1950 the population of the USSR was in 90% of its pre-war levels [Claudia Cinatti ]
The defeat of Nazism was that Stalinism took root during decades. But this was no major movement against the bureaucracy and time with consiguietes defeats by bureaucracy that attempts to political revolution:
1. 1953 East Germany Done that occurs almost immediately after Stalin's death. A wave of strikes for the improvement of living conditions in solfa leads to the bureaucracy of the German State. Strike where and the German people of East Germany calling for unification. But where once called the "workers' democracy 'and workers' control of production, together with the disappearance of the single party. Said first uprising was brutally suppressed by Russian troops (300,000 Russians) with tanks and heavy weapons were deployed in Berlin.

2. The Revolution of 1956 Hungarian tips
" The Hungarian uprising of 1956 is undoubtedly one of the highest points of the process of political revolution that swept Eastern Europe, combining claims against national oppression suffered by these countries at the hands of Moscow, the fight for the expulsion of the bureaucracy and the democratization of the regime and economic planning [Claudia Cinatti ]. If we heed the great historian P. Broué would have to say that Hungarian Revolution was an eminently political revolution led by the labor movement combining the army and the broader working class. And developing a true democracy 'council. This created a great central workers' council in Budapest that "in the interest of Hungary's socialist construction" raised suspend the general strike in exchange for a number of conditions including "that set a date for free elections in which only may participate parties recognize and have always recognized the socialist order based on the principle that the means of production belong to society. " Program that belied the Stalinist slander that was a revolution to defend capitalist interests. The revolution would end up being crushed by the invasion of Warsaw Pact forces: 19 divisions with more than 200,000 troops crushed the revolution Imry Nagy was deposed, arrested and executed. A revolution where Hungarians fell 20,000 workers councils defending ... and 3,500 Russian soldiers.

3. The Prague Spring

In 1968, coinciding with the revolutionary upsurge in the West (May 1968) and the anti-imperialist struggle in Vietnam, see the " socialism with a human face" in Czechoslovakia and an economic project (conducted by economist Ota Sik) is to build a market socialism. The irony is that its top leader Dubcek was a reformist supporter of Khrushchev policy.
The Kremliv under the aegis of the bureaucrat Brezhnev invaded Czechoslovakia and ended with the exprerimento of market socialism.

4.Polonia and Solidarity Poland
tried twice: first in 1956 and later in 1981. Would be precisely the emergence of the Solidarity union and struggle that would put the nail the bureaucratic regime.
The Polish people did not forget and in 1980 will revert to the paper which appeared in the labor struggles of 1956. What is really called the Solidarity trade union?: "Workers want to rule and are capable of it" "need a program based on the requirement of an expansion of economic power, so that it rests directly in the hands of working class, both at the enterprise level and at regional level and across the country. "

None of these developments, the labor movement of the Stalinist bloc countries sought to return to capitalism. Sought to recover the workers' democracy developed by the October Revolution and the Bolshevik Old Guard:
a) free and fair elections where people can choose and reverse them immediately to any charges when it serves the interests of democracy

b) That no public service or charge which represents the workers receive a wage above the average wage of a skilled worker

c) Control of labor and worker participation all levels of the Company

What falls to the Wall is not socialism but the Stalinist bureaucracy
Javier Méndez-Vigo