Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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was held last week at the headquarters of the Medical College in Madrid the "Forum on the ethics of protection measures population against influenza, "a very interesting conference that the group of physicians is organizing for the latest" pandemic "weeks to discuss the latest developments relating to the situation.

Juan GĂ©rvas, medical talent and spirit of Madrid (pictured first from left) sent me some conclusions of his vision. Resumo which I think are not only reasonable but John's original I posted it on several occasions his writings. Worth reading:
People born before 1957 have defenses against influenza A . The influenza virus circulated widely between 1918 and 1957 and left a protection for more than 50 years in those affected. That is, the natural immunity lasts longer than half a century. Thus the elders die less with influenza A. It's worth spending the flu and not try to serve as a vaccine if one knows how much effect would last. In passing the flu to children, youth and adults will have the opportunity to be inoculated for life and the disease naturally. Indeed, the epidemic of 1918 that caused millions of deaths occurred in a world without antibiotics, health systems, poverty and no running water, and yet we killed almost exclusively to the poor. Also the 2009-10 flu kills mostly poor countries without public health system, as in Mexico and the U.S..
The flu is just one of many diseases " flu-like." The influenza virus causes a very few "flu." Although the vaccine was effective only prevent cases of influenza itself. For example, doctors sentinels, specializing in diagnosing the flu to take samples and determine the type of virus, are correct in only 30-50% of cases (in 50-70% of patients, the flu symptoms leads to another virus, such as adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, etc.). The typical trancazo is almost always something else, not influenza itself. Indeed, when physicians "Sentinel" hit and flu, almost 100% is the H1N1 virus (the influenza A), so not worth doing any testing or diagnostic test.
flu vaccines are for little in practice . The effectiveness of influenza vaccines is very low, around 33%. That is, no value in 7 of 10 vaccinees (who bear the risks of vaccination without expecting any benefit). Flu vaccines are especially useless in children and more children under two years, which are worthless. Furthermore, no clinical trials lasting years for flu shots, so I do not know about your injury and long-term benefits . Of influenza vaccine do not know about their effectiveness, but at most is 33%. The example of the southern hemisphere shows that not worth vaccination. In fact, vaccination could cause things are complicated, but provided no clinical trials to study the effectiveness of the vaccine in either the short or long term.
influenza A does not cause more complications in pregnant women seasonal flu. Pregnancy, especially at the end of it, is accompanied by more complications from influenza A, as happens every year with seasonal flu. Therefore, the pregnant woman should have the same behavior of calm and common sense to Influenza A flu that in the other years. The more specific vaccine against influenza A in pregnant women, Panenza, contain thimerosal as a preservative in multidose presentation thimerosal is not recommended in pregnancy . In addition, the technical (information officer) of Panenza says literally:
"4.6. Pregnancy and lactation . There are currently no data available on the use of Panenza during pregnancy. Data obtained in pregnant women who have been vaccinated with different seasonal inactivated vaccines do not suggest abjured no malformations or fetal or neonatal toxicity. " That is, we do not know nothing but vague deductions.
Pharmaceutical companies are not responsible for the damage caused by the vaccine against influenza A . The situation is so uncertain that politicians have decided to exempt pharmaceutical companies from liability for damage caused by vaccines against influenza A , both in the U.S. and the European Union. It is unlikely that the pharmaceutical industry has achieved this umbrella that protects you from claims and liabilities. This is easier to "take risks" (under caution, the more irresponsible) and move the potential damage to the shoulders of society, not the shareholders usually happens (in the business of the flu vaccine is only gains).
Public funding of the vaccine against influenza A diverts funds not used for other health issues . When using public money issue is not confined only to the effectiveness of vaccination against influenza A, but also its opportunity cost, what is left to be immunized. For example, the problem of suicide among adolescents (flu kills more than A), oral health of adults and elderly (toothless due to lack of public healthcare coverage), a dignified death at home (now almost impossible to die at home attended by himself physician). Share this information


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