Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bald Spots On The Horse

the same working class!

entrepreneurs and capitalists of the English state have benefited in the last decade of the arrival of immigrant workers who have exploited in bestial conditions. The use of reactionary laws against immigrants, as immigration law, has placed them in conditions of illegality allowing capitalists to use our class brothers immigrants to reduce the rights and further worsen working conditions for the whole class working in sectors such as agriculture, fishing, construction, services, etc. On this basis, corporate profits have soared, in fact according to official data, the contribution of migrant workers to GDP growth is estimated at 50% over the past 5 years.
After more than ten consecutive years of growth of the immigrant population in our country, the net is shrinking for the first time due to the explosive rise in unemployment. Specifically, in the first quarter of 2009 only 9,500 applications were processed, in contrast to previous years such as 2007 with 240,000 applications every year and 2008 to 119,000. The crisis in the construction sector coupled with a continued tightening residence criteria are causing for the first time in decades there is a negative balance between arrival and departure of immigrants themselves.
Attacks on migrant workers have continued with the crisis, quite the contrary. Now, tens of thousands of migrant workers are faced with the dilemma of staying in the English state facing a growing labor exploitation, unemployment and police and judicial persecution, or return to their countries of origin, where the prospect employment, economic, and sociopolitical is even worse. Today, nearly 1,060,000 immigrants workers are unemployed (a rate of 29%), and only half of them is entitled to unemployment benefits. In this way, thousands of immigrants who daily feed the ranks of marginalization and dependency.
The PSOE government has offered no progressive solution to the tragic situation that live thousands of immigrant families, except the scam voluntary return programs, an attempt to take off over the issue after getting the added value of these workers .
All European legislation on immigration is covered by the reactionary idea that immigrants are a threat to native workers and the stability of society. A good example is the Berlusconi government in Italy, organized systematic raids on public transport to hunt illegal immigrants and make preventive expulsions by Maroni Law. Something similar is happening now in the English state, where the PSOE government is supporting the most reactionary measures that has always demanded the right against immigrant workers and their families. The current Immigration Act expands from 40 to 60 days the maximum period of detention for illegal immigrants, while European law allows up to 18 months detention for the mere fact of being an illegal immigrant.
face of all these attacks, major unions, CCOO and UGT, have not offered a firm response and have quietly and warm to the legislation passed against this particularly disadvantaged sector of the population. It's time to organize immigrant workers to unify their demands with those of all workers. It is a fundamental and urgent task of unifying class unionism fight the whole labor movement, native or foreign, against any kind of division in our ranks. English state employees want and need the expertise and strength of all our brothers fighting class.
a) No type of social discrimination, political or employment based on race. All labor and political rights for immigrants. For equal work, equal pay.

b) Abolition of immigration law and all repressive legislation. Right to family reunification. Reestablishment of a democratic law for political asylum without restrictions.

c) dramatic increase of public budgets to ensure the integration of immigrants. Free health care for all immigrants. Rights to decent public education and free. Social facilities, cultural and sports for the enjoyment of the population having access to all immigrants. Sufficient material means for the different communities to maintain their cultural traditions, linguistic and historical.

Resolution of the Third Conference of Association of THE MILITANT


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