Thursday, December 31, 2009

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21 days

The program that they do, I think that in four of 21 days, the Samanta Villar I called the lady, made an issue in which assumes that the lady in question is 21 days blind, blindfolded. What can I say, I find hard to believe that 21 days pass without seeing anything, a trap must be done, and is supposed to do to publicize the problems of blind people, but to me, they want tell them (again), I pissed a little tonito program, as if the lady in question suffered something, when in reality it is much easier than other players in the story, which when it sees as the final say some "imagined you differently", then go, what?, "more beautiful?. In order that this invention and the German journalist that of "scapegoat" or the American one of "king size" and they take advantage of the idea and jerk.

the end of the story, announced "21 days porn", which I do not know if you have not already, if not, there remains the question, as is sometimes pulled 21 days smoking dope and maybe to put a case, if you really will be 21 days in which I will put them folded, or bent is going to swallow (something usual, putting it folded or bent swallow, in porn films, as I read), or us faced with 21 days of film production assistant porn long pull and pull to get that links more to the topic of porn porn and put something else, that I'm funny, dammit!

Update: Well, I said, we have seen the 21 days about porn and no surprises. A comment on the case to him that the program does Goofy or Torbe Piggy, who does porn freak, or whatever, and that should be the first surprised that they buy, anyway.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

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Friday, December 18, 2009

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Talking blind Catalan in Aragon

Have you seen
, not better, the wedges have heard radio campaign that has made the PP (not!) of Aragon against the Government of Aragon has approved a law which recognizes, for citizens of the "strip ponent (the strip of Aragon Catalonia borders), the use of Catalan to go to the administration, and to educate children?, longer host asking me out!. Given the manifest unpresentable emitting wedges like to express my opinion, what?, Then here goes:

first explain a little wedge that goes I've heard: The campaign a person asks another where the square Pillar and answers in Catalan asked something like "tot ia the dreta straight (straight and right), to which the voice of the questioner says something noticeably outraged start your day:" But how do you say ?, then hears the voice off against this situation and such.

"The guy in a Catalan-speaking area, is not.

- Why disagree with the aunt who says "but as you say?", To say "I understand you do not forgive, would end the issue, although the phrase is well understood by the phonetic similarity.

- According to these gentlemen who make the announcement, the Catalan of Aragon has no rights?

Anyway, there are plenty of comments. The same party with the same attitude as always, intolerance and lack of respect for difference.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

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Western Sahara. It is a country, for the uninformed, which is the autonomous republic that lies south of Morocco. This country is the only Arabic-speaking country as a result of a English colony. That is what is currently happening in the Sahara?. In January 2003 Baker Plan is proposed by the UN plan that included a wide range of Western Sahara within Morocco. Morocco rejected the proposal. Years passed and in 2005 began to have dozens of major protests against the Moroccan occupation which is involved Haidar. Currently, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is recognized by forty-five states (including Mexico, Spain still does not recognize), excluding twenty-two countries that have withdrawn and thirteen previous surveys that have frozen relations with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR)), and twelve of which there is an embassy. Haidar's house is located in the neighborhood of Zemla, one of the most humble of Laayoune (Western Sahara). Opposite her, a Moroccan police van and several plainclothes officers to buckle under to journalists. Inside the house, Darya Mohamed Fadel, 57, mother of the Sahrawi activist, cares for her two grandchildren, a 15 year old girl and a boy of 13. The woman repeated: "I lost Aminetu, but do not want to lose kids." Haidar should not die like this. King Mohamed believes he has found the magic formula to get rid of her, knowing he will not give up: I die a victim of the hunger strike she never stayed in these 21 days of fasting that has met for their return to Laayoune. The king "brother" of the English chose to do what she can to continue to the end, closing the door and causing her tenacity and fighting spirit. No wonder neither of arbitrariness or the myopia of a tyrant who seeks only short-term results to continue on the throne and with absolute powers. Two problems in one person, on one hand the humanitarian Haidar and the other the lack of human rights in Morocco and UN non-compliance with the Sahara, the former can be solved if that solves the second, but it takes 30 years standing, I hope I'm wrong, but I think this lady is going to go to the end and eventually it will be a martyr to the cause of Western Sahara and Spain (with Morocco) as an accomplice Haidar's death (because nobody will remember the solutions being proposed at this time). We should fix it.
Jose Maria Dominguez IS-PSPV Benicarló

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cartier Quartz Watch 20-61323

Abductions and political opposition

Which country

!, Where we have seen that the advantage to crush political opposition to the government with a theme how a hijacking. With the tuna, or whatever, Alakrana and PP (I feel the urge to put the PP in the balls for his unpresentable, but I will not put it to not be rude). For example, with the theme of redemption, appears in the press today that when rescued in 2001 (which was above the Sr.Rajoy interior minister) to two English businessmen kidnapped in Georgia, then, of course, the PP did not advocate the use of force, as advocated now because as it has no responsibility. As they say, they seem to equal someone dies, comes, we will shoot at the little black fucking kidnappers with machine guns from the English army glorious!. Well, I quit because I think the nerve is so obvious that it goes without saying more. I have no desire to talk, just do it another day, the role of the press, which also causes some decomposition.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Heather In I Deep Throt

The illustrious Campos

But what happens here? Terelu, the illustrious journalist estate space on the airwaves, it is looking more to his equally illustrious mother and journalist Maria Teresa Campos, and the illustrious Maria Teresa Campos, be looking increasingly to his illustrious journalistic and biological daughter also Terelu Campos. The mater, Maria Teresa Campos, comes in a few programs that make these special, I think that Saturday afternoon, where they announce some kind of secure exclusive ad and then when the truth, it is always the media review of a certain age, usually without contributing anything new, and increasingly comes with a slimmer and more youthful hairstyle. Instead Terelu daughter, I think it goes on the Wheel each time with a midwife and combed over her face is becoming older woman, besides, I do not know why more and more emphasis placed Andalusian why?. Why this family metamorphosis illustrious cross between fields?, I is!.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mandingo And Black Woman


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nys Unemployment Online Certification


was held last week at the headquarters of the Medical College in Madrid the "Forum on the ethics of protection measures population against influenza, "a very interesting conference that the group of physicians is organizing for the latest" pandemic "weeks to discuss the latest developments relating to the situation.

Juan Gérvas, medical talent and spirit of Madrid (pictured first from left) sent me some conclusions of his vision. Resumo which I think are not only reasonable but John's original I posted it on several occasions his writings. Worth reading:
People born before 1957 have defenses against influenza A . The influenza virus circulated widely between 1918 and 1957 and left a protection for more than 50 years in those affected. That is, the natural immunity lasts longer than half a century. Thus the elders die less with influenza A. It's worth spending the flu and not try to serve as a vaccine if one knows how much effect would last. In passing the flu to children, youth and adults will have the opportunity to be inoculated for life and the disease naturally. Indeed, the epidemic of 1918 that caused millions of deaths occurred in a world without antibiotics, health systems, poverty and no running water, and yet we killed almost exclusively to the poor. Also the 2009-10 flu kills mostly poor countries without public health system, as in Mexico and the U.S..
The flu is just one of many diseases " flu-like." The influenza virus causes a very few "flu." Although the vaccine was effective only prevent cases of influenza itself. For example, doctors sentinels, specializing in diagnosing the flu to take samples and determine the type of virus, are correct in only 30-50% of cases (in 50-70% of patients, the flu symptoms leads to another virus, such as adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, etc.). The typical trancazo is almost always something else, not influenza itself. Indeed, when physicians "Sentinel" hit and flu, almost 100% is the H1N1 virus (the influenza A), so not worth doing any testing or diagnostic test.
flu vaccines are for little in practice . The effectiveness of influenza vaccines is very low, around 33%. That is, no value in 7 of 10 vaccinees (who bear the risks of vaccination without expecting any benefit). Flu vaccines are especially useless in children and more children under two years, which are worthless. Furthermore, no clinical trials lasting years for flu shots, so I do not know about your injury and long-term benefits . Of influenza vaccine do not know about their effectiveness, but at most is 33%. The example of the southern hemisphere shows that not worth vaccination. In fact, vaccination could cause things are complicated, but provided no clinical trials to study the effectiveness of the vaccine in either the short or long term.
influenza A does not cause more complications in pregnant women seasonal flu. Pregnancy, especially at the end of it, is accompanied by more complications from influenza A, as happens every year with seasonal flu. Therefore, the pregnant woman should have the same behavior of calm and common sense to Influenza A flu that in the other years. The more specific vaccine against influenza A in pregnant women, Panenza, contain thimerosal as a preservative in multidose presentation thimerosal is not recommended in pregnancy . In addition, the technical (information officer) of Panenza says literally:
"4.6. Pregnancy and lactation . There are currently no data available on the use of Panenza during pregnancy. Data obtained in pregnant women who have been vaccinated with different seasonal inactivated vaccines do not suggest abjured no malformations or fetal or neonatal toxicity. " That is, we do not know nothing but vague deductions.
Pharmaceutical companies are not responsible for the damage caused by the vaccine against influenza A . The situation is so uncertain that politicians have decided to exempt pharmaceutical companies from liability for damage caused by vaccines against influenza A , both in the U.S. and the European Union. It is unlikely that the pharmaceutical industry has achieved this umbrella that protects you from claims and liabilities. This is easier to "take risks" (under caution, the more irresponsible) and move the potential damage to the shoulders of society, not the shareholders usually happens (in the business of the flu vaccine is only gains).
Public funding of the vaccine against influenza A diverts funds not used for other health issues . When using public money issue is not confined only to the effectiveness of vaccination against influenza A, but also its opportunity cost, what is left to be immunized. For example, the problem of suicide among adolescents (flu kills more than A), oral health of adults and elderly (toothless due to lack of public healthcare coverage), a dignified death at home (now almost impossible to die at home attended by himself physician). Share this information

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bald Spots On The Horse

the same working class!

entrepreneurs and capitalists of the English state have benefited in the last decade of the arrival of immigrant workers who have exploited in bestial conditions. The use of reactionary laws against immigrants, as immigration law, has placed them in conditions of illegality allowing capitalists to use our class brothers immigrants to reduce the rights and further worsen working conditions for the whole class working in sectors such as agriculture, fishing, construction, services, etc. On this basis, corporate profits have soared, in fact according to official data, the contribution of migrant workers to GDP growth is estimated at 50% over the past 5 years.
After more than ten consecutive years of growth of the immigrant population in our country, the net is shrinking for the first time due to the explosive rise in unemployment. Specifically, in the first quarter of 2009 only 9,500 applications were processed, in contrast to previous years such as 2007 with 240,000 applications every year and 2008 to 119,000. The crisis in the construction sector coupled with a continued tightening residence criteria are causing for the first time in decades there is a negative balance between arrival and departure of immigrants themselves.
Attacks on migrant workers have continued with the crisis, quite the contrary. Now, tens of thousands of migrant workers are faced with the dilemma of staying in the English state facing a growing labor exploitation, unemployment and police and judicial persecution, or return to their countries of origin, where the prospect employment, economic, and sociopolitical is even worse. Today, nearly 1,060,000 immigrants workers are unemployed (a rate of 29%), and only half of them is entitled to unemployment benefits. In this way, thousands of immigrants who daily feed the ranks of marginalization and dependency.
The PSOE government has offered no progressive solution to the tragic situation that live thousands of immigrant families, except the scam voluntary return programs, an attempt to take off over the issue after getting the added value of these workers .
All European legislation on immigration is covered by the reactionary idea that immigrants are a threat to native workers and the stability of society. A good example is the Berlusconi government in Italy, organized systematic raids on public transport to hunt illegal immigrants and make preventive expulsions by Maroni Law. Something similar is happening now in the English state, where the PSOE government is supporting the most reactionary measures that has always demanded the right against immigrant workers and their families. The current Immigration Act expands from 40 to 60 days the maximum period of detention for illegal immigrants, while European law allows up to 18 months detention for the mere fact of being an illegal immigrant.
face of all these attacks, major unions, CCOO and UGT, have not offered a firm response and have quietly and warm to the legislation passed against this particularly disadvantaged sector of the population. It's time to organize immigrant workers to unify their demands with those of all workers. It is a fundamental and urgent task of unifying class unionism fight the whole labor movement, native or foreign, against any kind of division in our ranks. English state employees want and need the expertise and strength of all our brothers fighting class.
a) No type of social discrimination, political or employment based on race. All labor and political rights for immigrants. For equal work, equal pay.

b) Abolition of immigration law and all repressive legislation. Right to family reunification. Reestablishment of a democratic law for political asylum without restrictions.

c) dramatic increase of public budgets to ensure the integration of immigrants. Free health care for all immigrants. Rights to decent public education and free. Social facilities, cultural and sports for the enjoyment of the population having access to all immigrants. Sufficient material means for the different communities to maintain their cultural traditions, linguistic and historical.

Resolution of the Third Conference of Association of THE MILITANT

Monday, November 9, 2009

Average Breasts Country


" What failed in Russia and Eastern Europe was not communism or socialism, in the sense that this was understood by Marx and Lenin but a bureaucratic and totalitarian caricature [Alan Woods ]

Today the capitalist bourgeoisie is celebrating. To the best of his cynicism and demagogy that even the credit granted to a journalist who twenty years ago asked a question to a minister of the GDR.
2009 is also the anniversary of the German Revolution of 1919 and the murder of the two leaders [ Luxemburg and k. Liebnkecht ] conducted by the German Social Democracy. It is also the anniversary of the founding of the Communist International. Finally, it is the anniversary of the Asturian Commune . But these celebrations do not exist for the global bourgeoisie. They are celebrations that "did not exist."
1989 marked the end of history for neoliberalism. The past is what failed and, therefore, forget, not to lie. What they really want is that the Labour Movement forget what you meant 1917 Revolution, we must make democracy forget the workers' councils . Because if achieved, all that remains is liberal democracy.
And yet it moves, the story continues its course. The Revolution (Bolivarian or any other) again seems. We refuse to accept uncritically the bourgeois democracy.

What is the Wall?

The Wall is the result of the Yalta agreements . But before this occurred sse Molotov-Ribentrov , whereby Stalin and Hitler divided Poland. But the pact did not prevent the Nazi Germany invaded the USSR. But meanwhile what's happened in the USSR?. The triumph of the Stalinist counter-revolution : there are purges that fell from 1936 to 1938 in the underground in the insulators and the gulags entire Bolshevik old guard and thousands of Communists who defended the gains of October and workers' democracy. [See, Pierre Broué , Communists from Stalin ]
On the other hand, the heroic struggle of the Soviet people managed to retain first and later Nazi troops, with the help of the Red Army defeated Hitler and reach gates of Berlin. But " the triumph of the Soviet Union in World War II had contradictory effects: on one hand the Soviet people was proud of having defeated the Nazi aocupación, but on the other, had paid too high a price under the direction Stali bureaucratic: for more than three years the Soviet territory was the scene of war, around 1700 small to medium-sized cities and 70,000 rural villages were completely destroyed. Were wiped out entire generations of workers and young people: 21 million Soviet citizens died in the war and more than one and half million were deported on Stalin's orders. The demographic impact was felt over the years, yet in 1950 the population of the USSR was in 90% of its pre-war levels [Claudia Cinatti ]
The defeat of Nazism was that Stalinism took root during decades. But this was no major movement against the bureaucracy and time with consiguietes defeats by bureaucracy that attempts to political revolution:
1. 1953 East Germany Done that occurs almost immediately after Stalin's death. A wave of strikes for the improvement of living conditions in solfa leads to the bureaucracy of the German State. Strike where and the German people of East Germany calling for unification. But where once called the "workers' democracy 'and workers' control of production, together with the disappearance of the single party. Said first uprising was brutally suppressed by Russian troops (300,000 Russians) with tanks and heavy weapons were deployed in Berlin.

2. The Revolution of 1956 Hungarian tips
" The Hungarian uprising of 1956 is undoubtedly one of the highest points of the process of political revolution that swept Eastern Europe, combining claims against national oppression suffered by these countries at the hands of Moscow, the fight for the expulsion of the bureaucracy and the democratization of the regime and economic planning [Claudia Cinatti ]. If we heed the great historian P. Broué would have to say that Hungarian Revolution was an eminently political revolution led by the labor movement combining the army and the broader working class. And developing a true democracy 'council. This created a great central workers' council in Budapest that "in the interest of Hungary's socialist construction" raised suspend the general strike in exchange for a number of conditions including "that set a date for free elections in which only may participate parties recognize and have always recognized the socialist order based on the principle that the means of production belong to society. " Program that belied the Stalinist slander that was a revolution to defend capitalist interests. The revolution would end up being crushed by the invasion of Warsaw Pact forces: 19 divisions with more than 200,000 troops crushed the revolution Imry Nagy was deposed, arrested and executed. A revolution where Hungarians fell 20,000 workers councils defending ... and 3,500 Russian soldiers.

3. The Prague Spring

In 1968, coinciding with the revolutionary upsurge in the West (May 1968) and the anti-imperialist struggle in Vietnam, see the " socialism with a human face" in Czechoslovakia and an economic project (conducted by economist Ota Sik) is to build a market socialism. The irony is that its top leader Dubcek was a reformist supporter of Khrushchev policy.
The Kremliv under the aegis of the bureaucrat Brezhnev invaded Czechoslovakia and ended with the exprerimento of market socialism.

4.Polonia and Solidarity Poland
tried twice: first in 1956 and later in 1981. Would be precisely the emergence of the Solidarity union and struggle that would put the nail the bureaucratic regime.
The Polish people did not forget and in 1980 will revert to the paper which appeared in the labor struggles of 1956. What is really called the Solidarity trade union?: "Workers want to rule and are capable of it" "need a program based on the requirement of an expansion of economic power, so that it rests directly in the hands of working class, both at the enterprise level and at regional level and across the country. "

None of these developments, the labor movement of the Stalinist bloc countries sought to return to capitalism. Sought to recover the workers' democracy developed by the October Revolution and the Bolshevik Old Guard:
a) free and fair elections where people can choose and reverse them immediately to any charges when it serves the interests of democracy

b) That no public service or charge which represents the workers receive a wage above the average wage of a skilled worker

c) Control of labor and worker participation all levels of the Company

What falls to the Wall is not socialism but the Stalinist bureaucracy
Javier Méndez-Vigo

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sklep Internetowy Jaki Asortyment


The October 24, 1929 panic broke out in the great New York Stock Exchange. 12,894,650 shares changed hands, many at bargain prices. On Thursday October 29 Wall Street began its long decline. Crack Wall Street is divided into two eras: the joyous "Jazz Age" of the twenties and thirties, the decade of depression.

Everyone knows that in October 1929 in New York shares experienced a "little local difficulty." And everyone knows that millions went hungry and misery for the next ten years, a hardness that ended with the horror of the war. What is the relationship?

The crisis is inherent in a system where production is planned and which is driven by private profit. The crisis in the form of overproduction, with workers who are idle machines stops. Every recession has its own characteristics and may have a different trigger. The crash on Wall Street may be considered as the trigger of the Great Depression, as the "credit crunch" marks the beginning of the current crisis. It is also true that panic played a role. In all capitalist crisis can apparently accidental factors play a role. Both the crisis of 1929 as now, sooner or later the crisis was coming. U.S. industrial production index rose from 127 in June 1929 to 122 in September, 117 in October, 106 in November and 99 December. Automobile production rose from 660,000 units in March 1929 to 440,000 in August, 416,000 in September, 319,999 in October 92 500 169 500 in November and December.

In other words, when Wall Street was already exploded on the way the downturn in the real economy. Galbraith, historian of the events, said: "The cause and effect of the economy pass into the bag, never the other. If the economy in 1929 had been strong the effect of the Great Crash of 1929 may have been small." The downturn in production is reflected in the world of actions, dreams and illusions. The panic on Wall Street in turn had a critical effect on the world of production and profits.

collapse was unprecedented. In the U.S., between 1929 and 1933, national income fell 30 percent and industrial production roughly in half. In 1933 more than a quarter of the workforce was unemployed. According to the League of Nations global unemployment nearly tripled between 1929 and 1932.

After the First World War gave the U.S. a dynamic world economy, and also led the world into depression. The boom was fueled by new and expanding industries, mass production of automobiles and electrical appliances, power generation and construction.

The Roaring Twenties

The boom of the "Roaring Twenties" had important similarities to the boom that ended in 2007. The boom was not accompanied by a real increase in wages for workers, but inequality and fueled profits for the rich. Between 1925 and 1929 the price of industrial stocks in the U.S. tripled. In 1926 it was clear the feverish speculative element had the boom. Florida housing bubble during the twenties clearly allows a comparison with the housing bubble that drove the recent boom. And the bubbles burst.

The speculative element was fueled by the practice of buying stock "on margin", ie put money that only a small part of the share price. While the shares rise in price seems to be a passport to prosperity. That is exactly the same as the "leverage" of the banks a couple of years, paying thirty or even fifty times what your assets are worth is what drove the housing bubble in recent years. In both cases, the practice ended in tears.

But every crisis is different, but all have common elements. The crash of 1929 had important differences with today. The First World War had encouraged export-oriented agriculture in the Americas and Australasia to feed the soldiers in Europe. On the eve of the war was over-institutionalized and misery. In the twenties living standards of two-thirds of the world's population depends critically on the price of primary commodities, mainly agricultural. The collapse of agricultural prices was a major cause of the collapse of world trade.

Another factor in the reduction of trade, which affected all countries, was the wave of protectionism and competitive devaluations that accompanied the crisis. The devaluation was in the form of detachment of the gold standard. The international payments system was completely destroyed by the Great Depression. There were also attempts to bear the brunt of the crisis on the shoulders of other countries, thus effect of impoverishing everyone.

Why was so severe the crash of 1929? The counterpart to the growth of world trade in the twenties, and their collapse in the thirties, were the financial flows between countries. In conventional economic theory poor countries to borrow money from rich nations. But in the twenties, the bankruptcy of Germany was intensified by the war reparations to be paid to the victors, Britain and France, which in turn gave the money to the rich United States to pay their war loans. These cash flows were evil and ultimately unsustainable. Broke the chain collapse of international credit further exacerbated the fall in world trade.

Similarly, in recent years the biggest debtor is the United States, who has lived at the expense of relatively poor countries like China. Martin Wolf, the guru of finance capital has repeatedly warned that these imbalances can not continue. "The spectacular collapse of the western financial system is a symptom of this great reality ... In the long term, the global economy will be balanced. If not, the world economy may crumble. As in the thirties, there is now a danger real. "

We have not seen a downward spiral of protectionism on a large scale or monetary chaos, but the tensions are there and can not be ruled out.

Most governments between 1929 and 1933 could not or did not have the capacity to intervene in the collapse of their economies, were confined to the capitalist clichés about the need to balance spending. During the past two years the capitalist governments have intervened massively to "prevent another 1929." Later discuss the effectiveness of these measures.

What caused the crash of 1929?

Keynesians say that the main reason was a fall in autonomous expenditure, especially investment. It is true that private investment experienced a collapse of 90 percent between 1929 and 1933, construction fell by 85 percent and capital goods production by 75 percent. Why? The reason seems to be the most profitable opportunities provided in the twenties for the development of new industries and markets are exhausted at the end of the decade. In other words, any of the ways the boom would end. The boom and recession are regular features of capitalist development.

The monetarists like Milton Friedman blaming the fall in money supply caused by the general collapse of the banking system. In 1933, 9,000 U.S. banks closed their doors forever. The three main waves of bankruptcies banks were 1930, 1931 and 1933. Obviously these failures came too late to be the cause of the collapse, although obviously the situation worse. The financial chaos interacted with the collapse of production and even dragged the economy.

Kindelberger is right when he says: "Neither autonomous monetary theory or money spending, with or without decline in the stock market, have to do with these movements precipitous. They require an outdated theory of the instability of the credit system." ( Manias, panics and cracks ). The problem is that production under capitalism is really social. Producers around the world depend entirely each other. And just discovered this reality when the market system and the monetary system that greases the wheels fall flat. Marx explained: " The law of gravity is reaffirmed when a house falls between our noses." Governments when the crisis came to their home countries saw as falling tax revenues and spiraling costs skyrocketed. That was the natural effect of causing the budget deficit. This deficit was denounced by economists of the time as financial profligacy. The British Labour government in a minority of the establishment came under pressure to balance the budget at all costs. So they decided to reduce unemployment and lower wages for teachers and other staff. Of course this action caused a split in the Labour parliamentary group. That was not what I needed to do the job! Ramsey MacDonald and a handful of traitors in the government went "national" to implement these measures with the support of the Tories. Subsequent elections, all followers of the financial cuts forming a bloc against the candidates of the Independent Labour Party, left the game with only 54 seats in parliament. More important was the psychological blow which accounted for the labor movement.

must never forget that this policy of cuts was a total failure and was not recovery. Thatcher repeated the same strategy in the recession in the early eighties. His intention was quite clear that the working class to bear the weight of the crisis. That is what we now have in mind the Tories under Cameron's direction for the upcoming elections. New Labour wants to keep spending, feeding the government deficit before the elections next year. But they agree with the Tories in new cuts will be needed in the future to balance the expenditure.

Roosevelt took office as president of the United States in 1933, amid the recession. It was a shrewd capitalist politician representing the Democrats. The New Deal embodied the first recognition by the bourgeois politicians of the depth of the crisis and the danger it engendered, threatening the existence of the capitalist system in general.

The New Deal

Roosevelt's economic activism in many ways coincided with the rise of Keynesian economics in the thirties, as an alternative to the failed and outdated orthodoxy. Keynes in no way be seen as a representative of the labor movement, in fact said: "The class war will find me on the side of the educated bourgeoisie." Instead of balancing the budget in hard times, Keynes thought the government should spend money that included deliberately incur budget deficits if necessary, in order to keep aggregate demand high. When Roosevelt was elected put millions of unemployed to work in various public infrastructure projects and for that spending government money. In this alphabet soup of workers did not receive a full salary, but they charged some form of aid to alleviate hunger. (There was no universal system of unemployment insurance). That was a help, not a cure for unemployment. These projects never spanned more than a quarter of the unemployed.

Roosevelt also dealt with the overproduction of the only way I can make capitalism destroying productive forces. Roosevelt reached out to farmers. In 1933 they paid to harvest less than 100 million acres of cotton (a quarter of the crop that year) and killed 6 million pigs. Crazy, perpetuate poverty in the midst of plenty!

New Deal Did it work? No. As now, important sectors of the capitalist class were more concerned with reducing the governmental budget to help the unemployed. After beating his Republican opponent in the elections of 1936 with the enthusiastic support of the poor, in 1937, Roosevelt decided, under pressure from the capitalist class, reduce the deficit. Programs were eliminated Help and began to collect taxes for federal social security. As a result the federal deficit from 5.4 percent of GDP to 1.2 percent. This contraction coincided with a steep drop in economic activity (the "Roosevelt recession") and unemployment soared in 1937. Hundreds of thousands were expelled from social welfare schemes and hope of millions vanished.

U.S. In 1940 there were more than 10 million unemployed. As the Keynesian economist Paul Krugman, " A massive public works program ... restored full employment, also known as World War II ." The other side of the war were fifty million dead. The working class capitalist exchanged a horror for another.

There is a difference between 1929 and today, and governments are intervening terrified about the political consequences that would do nothing. In the U.S., prior to the election of Roosevelt, President Hoover did absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. Only remembered in the history of the word 'Hooverville', which describes the shanty towns created to house the unemployed and homeless in depression.

Since 2007, governments have intervened against collapse. Mainly intervened to rescue banks. This measure has taken the position Mussolini before the Great Depression, private and individual. The losses are public and social. They nationalized the banks' losses and made profits in private hands. As a result of this policy have added £ 1.5 trillion national debt and for example Britain now has a deficit exceeding 10 percent of GDP. U.S. bailout costs have reached 23.7 billion dollars, although there have been even more astronomical figures. It has borrowed this money and then you have to return it. There is a danger that this measure strangled before birth to the future recovery.

was used monetary policy to reduce rates interest to reach historically low levels, but does not seem to have much effect on the economy. Regarding fiscal policy, budget deficit policy as proposed by Keynesians not seem to be boosting aggregate demand as banks have used the ransom money to rebuild their assets. At this time we do not know if government intervention has eased the recession, but what is certain is that there is a ticket or an easy step to recovery.

A parody of Marxism and Marxists in stating that we welcome the economic downturn. That means we do not care much suffering of the masses. We only care about the effect of radicalizing their consciousness that have these hardships. We rubbed their hands and exclaim: "It's a great opportunity!"

Actually these ideas are far from sober analysis of economic processes and their effects on consciousness showed Lenin and Trotsky in his writings. Here's an example: "The problem is that the increase of the farm is not raising the fighting spirit of the proletariat. Thus, in the midst of a cyclical low, with increasing unemployment, especially after a loss occurs, increasing exploitation does not cause the radicalization of the masses but on the contrary, its demoralization, fragmentation and disintegration. We saw, for example, in British coal mines immediately after the strike of 1926. We saw it on a larger scale in Russia, when the industrial crisis of 1907 coincided with the crushing of the 1905 revolution. If in the past two years led to increased exploitation of the strike movement growth, which is evident, the bases of this process are in the short-term revival of the economy, not its decline. "(Leon Trotsky. The" Third Period "of the errors of the Communist International . January 8, 1930).

Crisis and awareness
In general, there is no automatic link between crisis and development of consciousness. How workers think and what they make out depends on the entire preceding period of class struggle and how they have experienced. True, the crisis causes a deep questioning of the nature of the capitalist system and its manifest failure. Things can not continue as before. But may not cause immediate revolutionary action. During a period of years the crisis of 1929, which was both political and economic, led counter-revolutionary perspectives and across the globe. What happened in the class struggle in each country depended critically the direction of the working class.

Take the case of the British working class. British workers came to the Great Depression only three years after the biggest defeat ever. In 1926 the TUC called a general strike in solidarity against a concerted attempt by the ruling class to end the conditions that were the miners, reducing wages and increasing their working hours. The general strike was solid. Led revolutionary terror at the prospect that opened the leaders of the TUC gave no warranty and left alone to fight the miners. Beaten on the industrial front, workers turned to the political front and elected a Labour government in 1929. This government was powerless against the rising unemployment that exceeded billion in 1931. MacDonald and company were replaced by the Tories and Labour in the polls almost disappears.

Where they were supposed to go for British workers? Industry had suffered a defeat and political in five years. The wind pounded the ships of the working class and the deep recession undermined their negotiating position. The first years of the decade witnessed a grim parade of hungry and manifestations of local battles against cuts in unemployment benefits. It is true that, in the late thirties, some sectors of the working class had recovered enough to fight, but the new fighting was cut short by the outbreak of war.

In the U.S., during the twenties, suffered a decline in trade unionism. The only workers who were organized they were in their branch. But as we saw, one of the characteristics of the decade was the emergence of new mass production industries like car with a semi labor or unskilled. From 1929 to 1932, unemployment rose to 15 million, representing a third of the working class. Those who were still clinging to his job and suffered an atmosphere of terror in the workplace.

From a superficial standpoint workers seemed cowed. But it would be utterly wrong to see this situation as a sign of acceptance of capitalism. The workers were angry, but they were useless. When the economy began to protrude slightly from the depths of 1933 saw some workers a fighting chance.

During the decade of 1923-1932 in the U.S. were less than 10,000 strikes, involving less than 4 million workers. The gate was opened in 1934 with the great strikes in Toledo Auto-Lite, Minneapolis truckers and a general strike of the San Francisco longshoremen. These strikes were led by a new generation of leaders combative, not the older generation of union leaders inclined to old social compact and had led the union during the twenties.

strike wave '

During the decade of 1936-1945 there were 35,000 strikes. Nearly 16 million workers participated in the struggle. Correctly called "the giant leap of the labor movement," the wave of unionization took the form of industrial organization, covering all employees of a company regardless of their qualifications or work done. The radicalization also expressed in a change in political attitudes. More and more workers struggling a real alternative for the working class against the capitalist politicians.

The decade of the thirties led to the Wall Street crash of 1929 and led to political upheaval. There were revolutionary opportunities in France and Spain, led the counter black in Nazi Germany, and finally to the war. The critical determinant of all was that the outcome depended on the direction of movement of the working class. Mick Brooks

Raven Riley Motivational Posters

Features ground zero marginal

Wow, this docureality ( Features ground zero, the today's most dangerous streets or something) or docudrama or what you call I had learned. It's Antena 3 and heir, as all of them from current command the first to Tve Night Mix, which I think is also Antena 3, say, the legendary Four Street (which has now become an heir Street Travelers turn first few programs in the regional, as Afers Exteriors on TV3, and later the Duty Free of Telecinco Sarda) and all of them at once, heirs of Canal Plus Twenty-Four Hours , which in turn was inheritance of the French Canal Plus program.

Well, that has left me very long introduction, the bottom ground zero A neighborhood that is conflicting, I do not know the title, but reporters are accompanying police to troubled neighborhoods of Valencia, Sevilla, Madrid , Barcelona and such. Much misery, prostitution and many addicts and marginality in general, we very sad. Nothing, no one would say that there is a marginal Spain so there, with so much banal program that looks at times and such.

It gets a little bad body, hope to get lucky and not have to ever happen for any of these situations Humans and those who suffer, because they go improving reality.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Daisy Scout Patch Placement


prisoner Amadeu Casellas is a Catalan anarchist who has spent more than 23 years in prison on charges of robbing banks in early eighties in order to fund workers' struggles, "without committing any violent crime. Today (October 14, 2009) being held incommunicado at the prison hospital unit of the Hospital de Terrassa, is making a hunger strike which has already been 93 days, and added a thirst strike for 10 days. Amadeu accumulated eight years of remission of sentence on work-penalty, which has been completed in prisons in the last 23 years. His conviction higher than five years, if, as the law provides, tripling the highest sentence that could have been for years out of prison. On the other hand, if applied recast sentences, as it has far exceeded the 20-year stay in prison, there are legal mechanisms that could and go out. Now, 23 years apparently has not been enough time for the prison system "rehabilitate" this man to "reintegrate" into society. Ms. Tura (Councillor of the Law) and Mr. Batlle (Director General of Prisons): expect many more years Amadeu need for "rehabilitation"? We insist, Amadeu has not committed any violent crime (other people with violent crimes and penalties similar to the street have come much earlier). Indisputable, you have a lot of work, work that should be much more relevant to resolve the situation of life and death of a person, is not it?.
Perhaps the lives of the poor and prisoners is not significant and valuable for our rulers. See Amadeu's mother, an older woman, having to beg for their right to meet with Mr. Batlle at each visit to the Directorate General of Prisons is humiliating. Where is the democracy, Mrs. Tura and Mr. Batlle?, Where is the negotiation as a means to resolve conflict?, Do you think that people who since 1936 have given their lives for freedom and social justice did so a Councillor of Justice and a general director of Penitentiary Institutions act the way you carry two years performing with Amadeu Casellas? How can we sleep soundly?. In 2008, the judge of the court no. 2 of Manresa, Erika López Gracia, and then the judge of the fifth section of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCardinal Sergio Montraveta, denied the release of Amadeu for humanitarian reasons. In short, it is to prisons, politicians and judges to punish, punishing the poor-but with 23 years of imprisonment not have enough to "rehabilitate" a person and that comes back to the street

(Press Amadeu Casellas, on the manipulation of information and silenced deaths

For about a month, run by some journalists here in Catalan TV3 television, apparently are doing a story of this prison. In this interview out some prisoners previously selected and where the criticism is so soft and misleading.

I could see how some journalists call a list of prisoners that he gave his own address and processing equipment. It is also clear that this report is agreed from within the Department of Justice, so it is obvious that the same great handling, it seems what they want with this report, is as usual, that is, to manipulate the general public . In it, you can see the facilities, kitchen, laundry, sports, workshops, modules, etc ... This coupled with background interviews manipulated, will result in the prisoners are more or less in 5-star hotels or resorts that are the envy of workers who are unemployed or who are paying the crisis that has caused himself capitalist system and is now building for the closing of businesses to open in Eastern countries, where labor is much cheaper.

But back to the prison of Brians 2. In this prison there have been more than 20 deaths since they opened less than two years, which means that the death rate is the largest Europe, if not worldwide. The reasons for so many deaths, the Department of Justice of the Generalitat de Catalunya, will try to mask with this story, but the reality of so many deaths is the physical and mental deterioration suffered by the prisoners that we have here. On the one hand the lack of activities and design their own jail inducing depression, and secondly, the low number and variety of food, and secondly, the lack of hot water in the cells in winter, lack of heating and in many cases, the lack of light in the cells. Put you mean, when does the hot water and heating in some of the cells in the module, cold water comes out the other and no heat, I myself have been about two weeks without light in the cell, at present, and for many days, I have no hot water in the shower and of course, does not operate the heater. This, coupled with the serious illness suffered by many prisoners, causes deterioration of health will accelerate more than alarming. Finally, we can not forget that many of the prisoners who die, are saturated with so-called legal drugs and anything unusual, leads to death. Each and every one of these things, the report will soon be released in TV3, surely not talk because it does not matter, since it would admit that the system is failing, but more embarrassing, is that Catalan society, I consider it smart, you can come to believe that prisons are the solution, and that prisoners are luxury. Nothing is further from reality, it is pathetic that the media even if state and TV3, who say they are "professionals", they continue the game until that point. They ask the families of the prisoners how they are, or the families of the 20 dead, how they killed their families ...



Health kompas,

After over 7 months since I left the last hunger strike that lasted 77 days, I make this reflection and evaluation.

strategies that are politically motivated and maintaining strength, the Directorate General, with the likes of Jordi Torres, who was one of those responsible for initiating the earlier hunger strike, because he was deputy director of prison treatment Quatre Camins and therefore had to be aware that the treatment team of MR-3 was sending false reports to both the JVP 1, and also to the AudienciaProvincial of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bit is now found in the PHD I suppose that as award for services rendered in Quatre Camins, from what I understand I have a direct enemy within the Directorate-General, so it is obviously one that is against my release from prison.

On the other hand, most know that in this prison where I am, Brians 2, there have been over 25 deaths under mysterious circumstances within two years it has been open. Of these deaths, I consider most responsible for the Councilor of Justice of Catalonia, the secretary general of prisons Albert Batlle, at the controls of this prison and treatment teams are the ones with false promises, deceit, etc, discourage and sink morally many prisoners dead this sad result.

In my case, during this time, I saw how they wanted to manipulate me, asking me to extend a request to the CAS, which should put that I had had a relapse into drug problem, to which I refused to be false . I also see that the way to go looking for prolonging my stay in Lacarcel. There had to be signed Individual Treatment Program (ITP), than the day 3/10/2009, but I signed on 02/04/1909. In the PIT, it is contemplated that I have to leave permits, but does not no day or hour, only said that this quarter it is assumed that began on 03/10/1909. I think patience I've had has been long, but everything has to have an end and not be stretching the remaining in prison for what I believe the day will be over 20 and half of this quarter and I at least I have to day and hour to get out, otherwise I have to think it's a new joke or perhaps hoping that I commit suicide, but nothing further, if you want my blood, which come to seek. THE LAST HUNGER STRIKE UNTIL YOU ARE NOT Lacarcel.

There will be no other agreement, so if anything happens to me, are directly responsible for Montserrat Tura, Albert Batlle, the commanders of the prison and of course, the treatment team.

With this panorama that awaits me, if before April 20, I have given day and time, I have to ask that this statement was broadcast in several languages \u200b\u200bvia the Internet, so that all groups of anarchists at international anti-groups, the independence Maulets Catalans, Basque and deEspaña all groups, with the CNT-AIT, Human Rights and Against Torture, I support the way that each creates more opportunity, because I think even though I spent months on hunger strike, without you do not get it. I also request the involvement of political parties Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) and Catalunya Verds Initiative (LCI) and I hope that we all get my start as they say their own penal laws, criminal and constitutional.

Health and Anarchy.)

Amadeu made a first hunger strike in the spring of 2008, and a second 77-day hunger in the summer of 2008. In September 2008 agreed to Prison in March 2009 would apply to a third degree restricted, and that little could later release. Why

Amadeu spoke of "falsehood"? There are enough elements to conceive of Amadeu Casellas being punished because of repeated complaints made about the situation in prisons throughout Catalonia 23 years. Echoing Amadeu takes time, and reproduced verbatim the terms used, to "labor exploitation, torture, deaths induced and all kinds of abuses that prisoners suffer." A picture is not flattering, murky enough to do during the stay of journalists Brians 2-TV3 in March 2009 to develop the program "in prison" being broadcast this week-not detect what Amadeu explained that the major means of public and private consumption have been hiding, referring to Brians 2, he speaks of "small quantity, poor quality and lack of variety of food, lack of activities for prisoners, a physical design and organization of the prison and prison life leads to depression, saturation of legal and illegal drugs for many prisoners, "the final consumption does appear in this TV program, but did not explain how there is or who benefits, "" lack of hot water and heating, in winter, in certain areas of some modules (when a part is not in the other), lack of electricity for weeks in some cells ... "To the rulers of prison system with a salary sheet at end of month-to-public resources Amadeu life is worthless. To many different people of Catalonia, the English state, Europe and America that have taken place Amadeu solidarity actions in the past two years his life and yes it does it makes sense, because life is reflected Amadeu around the world: their hopes, their dreams, their needs, their struggles, dreams and love people who want and regards it as a just cause and, above all, their freedom and their rights. Their rights, Ms. Tura and Mr. Batlle, their rights: Amadeu and around the world. Our rights.
Posted by at 8:25 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Tuesday October 20, 2009

This double standard to which we are accustomed to the right on abortion, on one side have on the topic a regressive attitude but within their own homes, if they got the case, as has happened and is happening, going to an abortion in London.

be against the practice of abortion does not make you a fascist. But when that idea gets at the power of controlling the body charged with murder and people who favor the principle of ownership over their own bodies, if not try to impose order in which patriarchal conceptions macho than the axis of social order, where "pro-life" is synonymous with intolerance, imposition of moral and legal standards, no room for disagreement, the hue or even the refusal of a bipolarity always arguable, then we are in the political space which has been called neo-fascist or reactionary. The bill that is to reform the practice of abortion in the English state. not intended to increase the rights of individuals, but only bring a legal text to the actual practice. Because what we should be debating is whether children who "live" do so in appropriate conditions, from conception to death. Whether the family based on patriarchy and designed to perpetuate the values \u200b\u200bof rule of capitalism and machismo is the most suitable for the free development of individuals. And the same should be debating the role of a school dominated not only by those values, but also a very high percentage, a conservative Catholic Church.

not escape But another thing is also that all private business practice of abortion go to "normal" market with their taxes, which revalued the price for greater joy of claiming medical problems of conscience who refuse to practice in public hospitals would charge because they do not, there in their private clinics and have no problems of conscience.

Fear of sexual and reproductive organ female chauvinist power as an excuse to be replaced by relations, equality of persons for sexual enjoyment and love of the possibilities we offer our bodies and minds. Surely, in a society free of fear, to symmetries and abuse of power over each other and others, the issue of abortion is not even planteable from legal or moral assumptions.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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That if, next to the blog now looks much the authority of the Authority or blog or whatever. It has also failed service automatically ping these that make such Pingomatic or those, Mecagüen San Technorati, we have removed a bit of functionality for little bloggers and what happens? Now we have removed the directory and we can not add our blog to Technorati!.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

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Manuel de la Rocha, from the perspective of Parliament talked about fiscal policy of Zapatero's government. Whereas the government, Zapatero has been especially courageous because it has not yielded to the pressures, among other things because he thinks the crisis does not go out alone. However, even though this is true the reality is that neither the government nor the party has been able to sell what has been done. The government has continued deepen social policies, but from our point of view has continued through the prism of classical social democracy. This means that social policy continues to state that based on a productivist model that is under the umbrella of "economic growth." We believe there is out of this logic is not a mercantilist logic of capital. We have to find another logic based on solidarity , but getting here is not necessary new alliances with the bourgeoisie, but with the New Social Movements
De la Rocha if he found a weakness in government policy: the current fiscal policy will tax classes middle and lower classes. The PSOE should not be against a tax policy, but policy must implemntar severe progressive tax the haves. Therefore the former is taxed at capital gains ...

Carlos Martinez (ATTAC ) focused his speech on the need to articulate the social movements to get out of the crisis. A crisis that has resulted primarily: 1) loss social and economic rights, 2) An assault the welfare state.

ATTAC Strategy: a) the Tobin, speculative capital tax rate and according to C. Martinez is a budget of Keynesian redestribución b) Curb Services Agreement CMO, and that the agreement involves the privatization of public services.

Spain Strategy: 1) escalation of taxes, 2) Increase the tax on up to 25% Sicav, 3) Restore the tax on economic activity, 4) Set the Tobin Tax, 5) Introduce a tax Single Income from Capital. Carlos Martinez

For this would be a start to redistribute wealth. He forgot to another proposal that is on the agenda of ATTAC. We refer to the implementation of the BASIC INCOME . What is meant by Basic Income: " the RB is a state income paid to each full member of society or a resident, even if they want paid work, regardless whether they are rich or poor, or put another way, regardless of what may be the other possible sources of income, and regardless of whom live together "

here I will not go into discussion about this new political right. Just say it is to recover the republican tradition, is to the right of success over the right of ownership, as did Robespierre or T. Paine before the expropriation of large mass with a common property (land) proposed this law. Today, again, the internationalization of capital colleva "ownership" of international capitalism by large resource ownership condemning large numbers of people to a global apartheid , so we need this new law. A right which is accepted by Marxists and A. Callinicos and economists as François Chesnais

Finally I would say about the above issues by Comrade V. Garcés. We talked about the Socialist Organization and its meaning. But it also gave us some features, first defining the political as a unity of thought and action , classical Greek definition which includes Marx Manifesto.

The Organization is forged in the Theory (Enlightenment and Socialism), and the Action . The theoretical struggle against superstition, idealism and positivism, but also the social struggle for better conditions of life of a working class. A struggle based on democracy ; in social processes ranging from Chartism and the foundation of Trade Unions today. A social process that involves sacrifice, blood and tears for the achievement of social rights and freedom and social equality.

Social struggles that have faced other social classes and in principle allowed us to Alliance Social Movements, and now we have to lead to new Alinazas with New Social Movements.

But lest we mistake, if we are not lead to cheating is to give full meaning to the terms, concepts. The Class Struggle means confrontation with the appearance at certain times of Violence . NO all violence has the same meaning . We must distinguish between the violence of the powerful and the violence of the masses. We must talk about the violence of the excluded. What is legitimate? Of course it is possible to transform society by peaceful means, but capitalism implies violence: the violence of exploitation, violence in the mass expropriation of natural resources .....

We must talk about Democracy . What kind of democracy?. The original meaning of speaks demos, but in our world has become demos idiotes . Our democracies the demos has been replaced by echlos (the crowd-mud) the power echlocracia echlos is where the mass has ceased to be a crowd and is no longer a social class.

must not forget (which they sometimes do, so that finally only There is a type of democracy) that the bourgeoisie was never democratic. The modern Demos appears with the French Revolution, with cullotte Sans , grassroots democracy, a government of Demos, a direct democracy. Conservatives are

[Burke and Beltham] those who criticize the Liberty of the Ancients and advocate the representation . The power be delegated and Demos no longer exercises its power as it is obliged to delegate their representatives to end up perpetuating the same. When Demos left him only the right to use their freedom every four years .... Ultimately our democrats are the representatives and when you give exercise is criminalized or hidden from saying it is a totalitarian
Javier Méndez-Vigo

Schematics Homemade Vhf Balun Transformers


weekend of October 3 was held training days of the current IS- PSOE headquarters in Ferraz. Already the format has its own limits ... For this very reason I no just telling what happened there. But I intend to launch ideas for opening the debate in the long term.

first opened a panel to discuss the crisis and its causes. The companion Borrell made a great presentation on how the crisis began as it should, but its conclusion (that of a rector of University) suffered from some "silence." First came to say that the crisis caught in "offside" to all economists. Borrell Comrade guess economists would refer to social democracy. As for the Marxist economists were taking the conditions for this crisis for some time. Just cite an article in 2000 [ In the razor's edge , Alan Woods and Ted Grant ]: "In the last decade the power of banks and the monopoly has reached historic levels. The best example of this phenomenon can be seen in the unprecedented increase in the power of banks Central in the last twenty years. The old idea of \u200b\u200bthe reformists and Keynesian capitalism held fixed on the idea that governments can manipulate the economy using instruments such as interest rates. Now all this has changed. Central banks require full independence to control interest rates ...". And later still saying that "the attempt to return to the old, discredited, orthodox policy of balanced budgets and" sound money "has led to additional insoluble contradictions. The shift to monetarism in the eighties led to the deepest recession since World War II in the U.S. and Britain. For these means it is true that inflation has been controlled at least temporarily ... But they have succeeded in destroying a large part of the productive apparatus, with deep cuts in public spending and attacks on living standards, all measures that reduce the market further aggravate the crisis. "

The capitalist accumulation on all from the 80's, has been made on the backs of workers. With the defeat of Stalinism capitalism imperialism embarked on a senile and barbaric, to conquer new markets and to the appropriation of natural resources . But it needed a return to the nineteenth century, with a drop of rights economic and social changes that have led to the emergence of the new sociology to become known as the working poor . And this is what we sometimes forget. But capitalism has not stopped moving under a law that is based on "The profits of the capitalists can only come from unpaid labor of workers . The increase in the organic composition of capital leads inevitably to the fall rate of profit "[Alan Woods ]

What is the alternative? Borrell's companion left for discussion. Is it a return to Keynesianism ? The neoconservative Reagan (President of USA) out of the crisis by military Keynesianism , ie with a strong investment in defense and new technology applied to the military. By this we mean that Keynesianism implies strong state intervention to address inequalities, but also to implement the application and return to consumerism. But this requires political institutions (unions, employers and state) that allow social pacts. This has only been possible when there was Stalinism, which led to the labor movement had a social and economic rights important. But is this possible when there is no "red enemy? Is this possible when it has deregulated market? Is it possible without strong unions? Is it possible with a minimal state, which only serves to maintain the security (private )?....

Another speaker was Jose M ª Zufiazur (former leader of UGT . We talked about the role of "work" and what it has meant a crisis for the same. Companies are no longer large workshops (Fordism), but that have become blurred and flexible, leading to a new type of worker and a new discipline for the worker. We talked about that about 37% of the unemployed are at risk of falling into poverty and school failure is about 32%.

However, we discussed the new ejecting poverty to social exclusion for the unemployed. We spoke of the ideology of capitalism by "neoliberal" by down-regulating the social relations of production has given rise to the figure of the precarious . In short, the vicious capitalism does not want Third World countries with economic and social rights, but it is intended to make the Western work in Third World workers.

Zufiaur Contrary to the proposed three types of alternata: 1. a new model of society , but did not specify what kind of society was thinking. What are the relations of production are proposed? What kind of rights social advocate? 2. Strengthening Labor . But we are not referring to a type of bureaucratic unionism and pacts passing of the excluded or not think about what rights of migrants also are proletarians, but with fewer rights than the natives. Unions Or are we talking about class, democratic and protest ... 3. Cooperation against competitiveness. Unionism must be based on "class solidarity" is to lay the foundations for a new society and that passes through the democratic elements of social relations [empowerment of committees and sections sidicales against bureaucracies, and walk towards business co].
Javier Méndez-Vigo

Thursday, October 8, 2009

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rich repeat command

yesterday, 7 / 10, those streets, oh, no, now command the first ! (Incidentally, the first of teve do not have own website?, It's all mixed into the web of RETV?), Relocated the above (say above was a rich but we are talking about in July) the rich story Marbella and turned to see this rich Mr. Nicholas, I think he said that made some kind of lamps LED or anything like that, I must say, spent a lot of money donations, which we think well, besides you want to have fun throwing champagne over (or "champagne", I would say the spelling of the word) French .

I think it would have been nice if they had made an appendix but updated to see, for example, as he had gone, the employer of Empuriabrava, in fact, I saw that there was no businessman, who wanted to sell his yacht because he had no income, to see how it went.

The old entry:
News Command rich

Monday, September 28, 2009

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

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CORRUPTION Prevarication and neo-fascism Populism PSPV

A Valencian PP Messrs they just smile. Dan a leap of faith and want to kill the messenger. But also seek to go through what are not. Mr. Camps, before the avalanche comes up, a mixture of state terrorism with demagogy [" If the PSOE, replete with Marxists, I could, I gasearía "]. Today I want to tell this demagogue the following: claims of Marxism, and critical and rejecting any form of totalitarianism, including the gulag. But also, I'd rather have a Marxist rather than employers who supported the coup militants 23F or night, pistol in his belt, was offered the captaincy General de Castellón. But speaking of Marxist forget perhaps the former director of RTVV (Joseph V. Villaescusa, who as head of the OIC called for armed struggle), or is that converts are forgiving. And I quote only one could cite several other cases. But I want to see what was the last of some of their leaders.
What this comes because we do not accept to give us lessons in democracy those who never were and now they are out of necessity.
undemocratic. A liberal Democrat accepts the division of powers, but hurt them. Today they demagoguery, forgetting (as the police unions argue) that the reports are made instance of a judge to send investigate. They do not accept that they are not carrying the current and jump to the parliamentary law tolerated. There is the attack on the freedom of parties (essential in bourgeois democracy), refusing the appointment of Leire Pajin as Senator, and set themselves up as watchdogs over to propose to another senator than (Alart). Do not believe the party democracy, have a certain nostalgia that smells a. .. rotten. ARE
dealt treacherously. Mr. Camps and Mr. Costa lash out at judges who meet - and Garzón-and take them to court because of wanting to do justice to the dead. They have friends to help judges to adjudicate cases of corruption. Certainly not Only because in Alicante also happen with a leader of the PP. And this gentlemen is called transgression.
Given all this in a vacuum, using victimization, and Populism . Populism based on the prestige of democratic institutions, in the vilification of the voters, in the vilification of Parliament, the party desprestigo. You must use the fan to the "shit" splashed all. We must defend the "anything goes" to gain power and stay there. It is necessary that the people accept it as a political truth that "all politicians are alike, and therefore do not care who send."
Mr PP this only leads to a site: fascism. Something that the Democrats thought he was in the basusero history. Javier Méndez-Vigo

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What Size Syringe For 5,000 Units Hep


socialist municipal group criticizes the attitude of Castellón mayor, Alberto Fabra, for refusing to comply with various court rulings have been issued against the City of Castellón. Councilman Juli Fabra Sunday called "judicial conscientious objector" to rebel against the decisions of the Courts, which have been challenged actions "illegal" People's Party. "Castellon does not deserve a mayor who manages the planning outside the law, "he says.
made the remarks Sunday after news that the PP government team in the city of Castellón has not executed the Supreme Court ruling which quashed the proposed pumping station outfall del Grau for causing noise, nuisance and smells bad neighbors. Castellón
City Council decided to build the pumping station in an area described in the General Plan as a green area. In the latest court order sent to the parties by the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunitat Valenciana, dated in July, they challenge the dereliction of duties of the City and announced, also, that "given the absolute lack of compliance and repeated requests "to impose penalty payments arises from 150 to 1,500 euros for the first municipal authority to require timely and criminal liability.
"obstructionist attitude and lack of respect for the law that has Fabra and we saw nine months ago, when a Supreme Court ruling overturned the General Urban Plan. The PP refused to accept the verdict and spent months lying to castellonenses until he was forced to admit that justice required him to bring back the General Plan for public exhibition, "said Domingo.
On this occasion, is also a ruling by the Supreme forcing the council to cancel the whole agreement 1999 by approving the proposed outfall of Grau. The ruling, dated May 26, 2008, responding to appeals filed by neighbors for years, who demanded the City compensation for damages.

Castellón, September 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tm Desert Eagle Ship To Canada

classified can make a bill? We lost to

I've seen in the statistics we have in this humble blog, (a part of the blog, statistics are also very humble, so we will not give numerical data rather than nothing out of shame) that one of the searches, mainly through San Google, take visitors to this site is that we have the title, that is: An individual can make a bill?, or the equivalent can you check a particular? or can you make an invoice for a particular company?, and the like.

Let's see if we made clear, or if we clarify ourselves. From a legal standpoint, the answer is NO, can not issue an invoice as an individual.

Well, he has finished the discussion on the possible issuance of invoice by a particular person, no individual employer.

going, let's give a little more than dropping something else court roll. The truth is that I wanted to clear in a particular paragraph, since there are many legends, in this case I do not know if more than urban, economic, especially fiscal. One of the mythical, is that failure to reach three thousand Euros a year, you can check without any problems, or that is a lie (you have seen, I put it in case it is lighter)

issue an invoice for a individual, has to act as legal persons, as an individual entrepreneur, and, as if it were a corporation, must be registered in the census of contractors for friends Agency State Tax Administration (Finance, to understand), stating that activity is to do and that has tax obligations and must also be registered in the free-lance Social Security.

There is a case in which a person may be charged an entity, not being the person self-employed entrepreneur. Is if you have trained, or gave a lecture, for example, provided that this is not normal activity (eye with this.) In this case you can give some kind of invoice with full details of both tax and 15% withholding income tax currently on the tax base which the employer must enter
Well, I think the answer to the question An individual can make a bill?, has been clear, no?.

post I put this note to write the post because I saw that I got a check for that search. If someone wants to find a blogger or blog or blogger or blogger (well, a writer, what is said weblog writer, I know) you can check , which can issue invoices or make a server if you can issued and the data eye, I have experience in various matters of opinion, economics, technology, and this Easter. I said, to contact (another thing is if we are to understand and if I do well, hehe):

deunparticular [at] gmail [dot] com